
Detailed Information on
Books Published by
The Divine Life Society

By Swami Sivananda

  1. ES24    A Boon to Diabetics
  2. ES100  A Trip To Sacred Kailas – Mansarowar
  3. ES29    Adhyatma Yoga
  4. ES148  Aitareya Upanishad
  5. ES5      All About Hinduism
  6. ES16    Analects of Swami Sivananda
  7. ES7      Ananda Gita
  8. ES49    Ananda Lahari
  9. ES9      Autobiography of Swami Sivananda
  10. ES11    Bazaar Drugs
  11. ES226  Beauties of Ramayana
  12. ES13    The Bhagavad Gita
  13. ES223  The Bhagavad Gita (Translation only)
  14. ES90    The Bhagavad Gita (Transliteration & Translation)
  15. ES127  Bhagavad Gita (One Act Play)
  16. ES15    The Bhagavadgita Explained
  17. ES98    Bhagavad Gita for the Blind
  18. ES17    Bhakti and Sankirtan
  19. ES19    Bliss Divine
  20. ES54    Blood Pressure: Its Cause and Cure
  21. ES22    Brahma Sutras
  22. ES28    Brahma Vidya Vilas
  23. ES115  Brahmacharya Drama
  24. ES25    The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
  25. ES107  Come Along Let’s Play
  26. ES27    Concentration & Meditation
  27. ES228  Conquest of Mind
  28. ES311  Constipation – Its Causes and Cure
  29. ES104  Daily Meditations
  30. ES73    Daily Readings
  31. ES30    The Devi Mahatmya
  32. ES33    Dhyana Yoga
  33. ES78    Dialogues From The Upanishads
  34. ES114  Divine Life (A Drama)
  35. ES34    Divine Life For Children
  36. ES35    Divine Nectar
  37. ES123  The Divine Treasure of Sri Swami Sivananda
  38. ES310  Easy Path to God-Realisation
  39. ES40    Easy Steps To Yoga
  40. ES97    Education For Perfection
  41. ES41    Elixir Divine
  42. ES42    Essays In Philosophy
  43. ES43    Essence of Bhakti Yoga
  44. ES299  Essence of Gita in Poems
  45. ES44    Essence of Ramayana
  46. ES272  Essence of Principal Upanishads
  47. ES293  Essence of Vedanta
  48. ES48    Ethical Teachings
  49. ES221  Ethics of the Bhagavad Gita
  50. ES68    Every Man’s Yoga
  51. ES92    First Lessons in Vedanta
  52. ES50    Fourteen Lessons on Raja Yoga
  53. ES26    Gems of Prayers
  54. ES132  The Glorious Immortal Atman
  55. ES56    God Exists
  56. ES32    God-Realisation
  57. ES53    Guru-Bhakti Yoga
  58. ES52    Guru Tattva
  59. ES61    Hatha Yoga
  60. ES60    Health & Diet
  61. ES55    Health and Happiness
  62. ES56    Health and Hygiene
  63. ES122  Heart of Sivananda
  64. ES59    Hindu Fasts and Festivals
  65. ES86    Hindu Gods and Goddesses
  66. ES47    Home Nursing
  67. ES12    How To Live Hundred Years
  68. ES67    Inspiring Stories
  69. ES141  Isavasya Upanishad
  70. ES69    Japa Yoga
  71. ES71    Jivanmukta Gita
  72. ES143  Kathopanishad
  73. ES75    Kingly Science Kingly Secret
  74. ES79    Lectures on Yoga and Vedanta
  75. ES212  Life and Teachings of Lord Jesus
  76. ES93    Lives of Saints
  77. ES94    Lord Krishna, His Lilas and Teachings
  78. ES222  Lord Shanmukha and His Worship
  79. ES95    Lord Siva and His Worship
  80. ES229  Meditation (Dhyana Yoga)
  81. ES106  Meditation Know-How
  82. ES105  Mind – Its Mysteries and Control
  83. ES51    Nectar Drops
  84. ES124  The Principal Upanishads
  85. ES37    Raja Yoga
  86. ES129  Sadhana
  87. ES133  Samadhi Yoga
  88. ES152  Self-Knowledge
  89. ES36    Self-Realisation
  90. ES153  Sermonettes of Swami Sivananda
  91. ES23    Sivananda Gita
  92. ES72    Sivananda’s Lectures: All India and Ceylon Tour in 1950
  93. ES160  Sixty-three Nayanar Saints
  94. ES164  Spiritual Experiences
  95. ES137  Spiritual Stories
  96. ES39    Spiritual Treasure
  97. ES169  Stories From Yoga Vasishtha
  98. ES136  Swami Sivananda: His Life in Pictures
  99. ES179  Tantra Yoga, Nada Yoga and Kriya Yoga
  100. ES76    Thus Illumines Swami Sivananda
  101. ES38    Unity of Religions
  102. ES65    World Peace
  103. ES20    Yoga and Realisation

By Swami Chidananda

  1. EC61    A Call To Liberation
  2. EC1      An Instrument of Thy Peace
  3. EC20    Autobiography
  4. EC65    Awake! Realise Your Divinity!
  5. EC13    Bhaja Govindam
  6. EC23    Centenary Celebrations For Swami Chidananda Souvenir
  7. EC15    Chidanandam: The Joy of Knowing Him
  8. EC18    The Divine Destination
  9. EC76    Daily Swadhyaya
  10. EC62    Essentials of the Higher Values of Life
  11. EC3      Forest Academy Lectures on Yoga
  12. EC9      God As Mother
  13. EC31    Ponder These Truths
  14. EC75    Seek The Beyond
  15. EC25    Swami Chidananda Talks in South Africa
  16. EC17    Swami Sivananda: Our Loving Awakener
  17. EC54    Swami Sivananda: Saint, Sage and Godman
  18. EC27    Walk in This Light

By Swami Krishnananda

  1. EK1        A Short History of Religious and Philosophic Thought in India
  2. EK60      A Textbook of Yoga
  3. EK36      Commentary on the Bhagavadgita
  4. EK58      Commentary on the Kathopanishad
  5. EK56      Commentary on the Mundaka Upanishad
  6. EK43      Commentary on the Panchadasi (Volume Two)
  7. EK57      The Development of Religious Consciousness
  8. EK34      The Glory of God (A Summary of the Srimad Bhagavata Mahapurana)
  9. EK49      The Heritage of Indian Culture
  10. EK28      The Mighty Godman of Our Age
  11. EK65      The Nature Of The True Religious Life
  12. EK59      Sessions With Ashram Residents
  13. EK61      Spiritual Aspiration and Practice
  14. EK18      Sri Swami Sivananda and His Mission
  15. EK47      The Study and Practice of Yoga (Volume – I)
  16. EK48      The Study and Practice of Yoga (Volume – II)
  17. EK33      The Universality of Being
  18. EK62      Total Thinking

By Swami Venkatesananda

  1. EV65    Siva’s Doon Lectures

By Others

  1. EO56    Cause and Effect by Swami Madhavananda
  2. EO20    Memories of Swami Chidananda
  3. EB4       Pointers on Vedanta by Swami Brahmananda
  4. EO1      The Holy Stream by Dr. Sarat Chandra Behera
  5. EO63    An Insight Into Yoga by Swami Shivapremananda
  6. EO2      I Live to Serve by N. Ananthanarayanan
  7. EO6      From Man to God-Man by N. Ananthanarayanan
  8. EO54    Philosophy and Teachings of Swami Sivananda
  9. EO22    Saint Sivananda By Sivaprasad
  10. EO3      Sivananda Day To Day by Swami Santananda
  11. EO66    Sivananda: Biography of a Modern Sage (Illustrated) (Vol. 1)
  12. EO70    Sivananda: Raja Yoga (Vol. 4)
  13. EO4      Sri Guru Gita
  14. EO41    What the River Has Taught Me by N. Ananthanarayanan

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