Yoga And Realisation
by Swami Sivananda
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Book Code: ES20
Paperback: 190 pages
ISBN: 8170521947
Book Dimensions: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.40 inches
Shipping Weight: 240 grams
Table of Contents
About This Book (Back Cover) | |
Inspiring Kirtan Dhwanis | 6 |
My Resolves Today | 8 |
The Universal Prayer | 9 |
1. The Outline of Yoga | 15 |
2. Yoga | 17 |
3. Introduction to Yoga | 20 |
4. Real Yoga | 25 |
5. The Science of Yoga | 28 |
6. Sidelights on Yoga | 31 |
7. Ideal of Yoga | 35 |
8. Important Hints on Yoga | 39 |
9. The Yoga of Synthesis | 41 |
10. Necessity of a Guru | 44 |
11. Qualifications of a Yogic Student | 49 |
12. Kill Desires, Enjoy Bliss | 49 |
13. Sadhana | 50 |
14. Spiritual Diary and Resolves Form | 52 |
15. Self-realisation | 56 |
16. The Rugged Path | 58 |
17. Yoga in Daily Life | 62 |
18. Strive for Divine Life | 64 |
19. The Divine Life | 66 |
20. Precepts for Practice | 68 |
21. Be Ever Vigilant | 72 |
22. Message to Aspirants | 75 |
23. Practice of Hatha Yoga | 77 |
24. Means for Good Health | 80 |
25. Lack of Brahmacharya | 82 |
26. Practice of Brahmacharya | 84 |
27. Yoga | 85 |
28. Integral Yoga | 88 |
29. The Yoga of Synthesis | 92 |
30. Gleanings from the Song Celestial | 95 |
31. Karma Can Be Transformed into Yoga | 98 |
32. Secret of Karma Yoga | 101 |
33. Bhakti Yoga | 104 |
34. Philosophy of Bhakti | 108 |
35. Devotion to the Lord | 115 |
36. The Efficacy of Prayer | 118 |
37. Namasmaran the Easiest Way | 121 |
38. Mantra Yoga | 125 |
39. Eleven Points for Developing Bhakti | 127 |
40. The Essence of Bhakti | 131 |
41. Raja Yoga an Exact Science | 133 |
42. Be Sweet | 136 |
43. Conquest of the Mind | 138 |
44. Cast off this Ego | 139 |
45. Self-analysis, Self-reliance, Self-determination | 142 |
46. What is Mind? | 145 |
47. The Nature of Mind | 148 |
48. Control of Mind | 150 |
49. Think of the Opposite | 152 |
50. Pranayama | 154 |
51. Pratyahara | 160 |
52. Meditation | 163 |
53. The Ignorant and the Wise | 167 |
54. This is Vedantic Samadhi | 168 |
55. Who is a Jivanmukta? | 170 |
56. Unity in Diversity | 174 |
57. Real Education | 176 |
58. Ethics of the Bhagavad Gita | 179 |
59. World Peace | 183 |
60. The Life Divine | 186 |
61. Divine Nature of Man and the Way to Unfold It | 189 |
About This Book
From the divine pen of H.H. Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj has emanated a ceaseless stream of soul-elevating spiritual literature; and it would be quite true to say that today His Holiness’s message has penetrated every part of the world and has won for the forces of God and goodness millions of hearts into which Sri Swamiji has instilled a natural love of fellowmen and a keen aspiration to realise the goal of life.
Besides being the author of over 300 books, and besides getting published and distributed free on a worldwide scale, countless leaflets, pamphlets and books, Sri Swamiji has contributed inspiring articles to various newspapers and periodicals all over the world.
The present work is a collection of quite a number of such articles. They have already thrilled many hearts, and awakened many dormant souls. In order that they might give you permanent inspiration they have been reprinted in book-form and is presented to you as our humble love-offering. We earnestly pray that you will make the best use of it, practise Yoga and attain Realisation.
Radha Ramana Mukunda Murare
Kamala-Vallabha Kaliyugavarada
Raghupati Raghava Rajaram
Patitapavana Sitaram
Iswara Allah Tere Nam
Sab-ko Sanmati De Bhagawan
Esukristu Ati Pavana Nam
Sab Santanake Kare Pranam
Buddha Bhagawan Tere Nam
Satya Ahimsa De Bhagawan
Nitya Niranjana Nischala Nam
Sab-ko Bhagawan De Aram
Shambhu Shantiskanda Gopal
Sab Hai Tere Pavana Nam
Khane Peene Sone Se
Mujhe Kabhi Na Mila Aram Ram
Hare Rama Tere Nam
Bhajana Karna Mere Kam Rama
Raghupati Raghava Raja Ram
Gauri Shankar Sitaram
Sitaram Jaya Sitaram
Radheshyam Jaya Radheshyam
Bhajamana Pyare Sitaram
Bhajamana Pyare Radheshyam
Bhajamana Pyare Rama Rahim
Bhajamana Pyare Krishna Karim
Ayodhya Vasi Rama Namo
Gokula Vasi Krishna Namo
Jaya Raghunandana Jaya Siyaram
Janakivallabha Sitaram
Rama Rama Jaya Rajaram
Rama Rama Jaya Sitaram
Yadupati Vrajapati Jaya Ghanashyam
Patitapavana Radheshyam
Yadupati Vrajapati Jaya Ghanashyam
Rukmini Vallabha Radheshyam
I will speak truth today
I shall not bear ill-will towards any one
I will not become angry
I will serve the sick and the poor
I will recite Lord’s Name for one hour
I will study religious book for one hour
I will bear insult and injury
I will not fear anyone on this earth
I will eat only four things today
I will observe silence for one hour
I will observe Brahmacharya for one month
Make these resolves as soon as
You get up from your bed
You will develop
And attain peace and strength
–Sri Swami Sivananda
O Adorable Lord of Mercy and Love!
Salutations and prostrations unto Thee.
Thou art Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient.
Thou art Satchidananda (Existence-Consciousness-Bliss Absolute).
Thou art the Indweller of all beings.
Grant us an understanding heart,
Equal vision, balanced mind,
Faith, devotion and wisdom.
Grant us inner spiritual strength
To resist temptations and to control the mind.
Free us from egoism, lust, greed, hatred, anger and jealousy.
Fill our hearts with divine virtues.
Let us behold Thee in all these names and forms.
Let us serve Thee in all these names and forms.
Let us ever remember Thee.
Let us ever sing Thy glories.
Let Thy Name be ever on our lips.
Let us abide in Thee for ever and ever.
Swami Sivananda