Veda Sadhanam
Maharshi Kavi Yogi Shuddhananda Bharati
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166 pages.
Table of Contents
March On, Bravo! This Scripture Introduction Preface The Veda Sanatana Hindu Dharma 1. Universal Law of Life 2. Hindu and Hindusthan 3. Golden Words 4. Universal Prayer 5. Hail Eternal One 6. Siva Sankalpam (Auspicious Communion) 7. God is All 8. God is One 9. O Splendour 10. Felicitous Path 11. God in the Self 12. All is Narayana 13. Heart-Dweller 14. Peace! Felicity 15. Freedom From Fear 16. Immortality By Giving Up 17. Long Life of Joy and Energy 18. Hymns of Samyoga 19. Sandhya Vandanam 20. Holy Touching 21. Gayatri Meditation 22. Adorable Mitra 23. Meditation on Aditya 24. Evening Worship of Varuna 25. Hamsah Suchishat 26. Salutations to Directions and Sages 27. Havanam 28. Swaha! 29. Fulfilment 30. Tejosi (Thou Art Effulgence) 31. Amrutam Brahmani (Nectar-Divine) 32. Conquest of Desire and Anger 33. Tapasya 34. Viraja Homam 35. Tat Purusha Gayatri 36. Gems From Upanishads 37. That is the Brahman 38. Brahman Gives Victory 39. Yama Reveals 40. That is Aum 41. Atma Swarupam 42. Soul of All 43. The Immortal 44. For Self-Love 45. Inner Controller 46. Self-Awareness 47. Atma Yogam 48. Rishi Dhyanam 49. Vedanusasanam (Vedic Commands) 50. Brahmavit (Knower of Brahman) 51. Five Psychic Planes 52. Upasana 53. Forty Instructions of Shankara 54. Hail Silent Master! 55. Salutations to Sadguru 56. Who is a Saint? 57. Jivanmukta 58. Prayer of Harmony 59. Morning Prayers 60. Evening Prayers 61. Bhaja Govindam 62. Not This, Not This 63. Brahma Tattvamasi 64. The Hidden Reality 65. To Adore! How? 66. Vedanta Roars 67. I-Am-I 68. Commands 69. Gitopanishad 70. God Is 71. God Speaks 72. Universal Self 73. Nature and Knowledge 74. Immortal Self 75. Self-Poised Yogin 76. From Storm to Norm 77. Gita Yogam 78. Karma Yoga 79. Bhakti Yoga 80. Jnana Yoga 81. To Me Surrender Song of Unity |
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Yogi Shuddhananda Bharati
March on, bravo, march on
A hopeful dawn is on
The Vedic Truth guides us
From dark despair to bliss.
The smiling Mother leads
Our life and grants our needs.
The blocking rocks dissolve
Before our firm resolve.
Strike at the root of fear
The helping Hand is near.
Heralds of cosmic age
Inspire in us courage.
Defying death and pain
This battle we shall win.
Sing songs of unity,
O gems of divinity!
Agni gives energy
Sun removes lethargy
Truth gives us victory
March on, glory to glory!
VEDA SADHANAM is a scripture of Universal Hinduism. Yogi Shuddhananda Bharatiwas kind enough to compile this great work for the good of humanity. YogiShuddhananda was a born saint, dedicated to the spiritual service of humanity.He lived all religions and all systems of Yogas and he was a radiating centre ofYoga Shakti. He had widely studied, widely travelled, and was recognised bysavants as the apostle of One God, One world and One humanity. He was a Pilgrimof Eternity. His great Epic of Godmen Bharatashakti (50,000 lines) was hailed byGandhiji as the Modern Mahabharata. He lived in dynamic silence at SholapuramTapalayam moving his pen to the rhythm of the Divine inspiration in his soul.
Veda Sadhanam is a publication blessed by great sages like Sri Aurobindo,Ramana Maharshi and Sivananda Saraswati. It is a Bible of Manava Dharma and aguiding Light to followers of the Voice of Ancient Sages and their Yoga. Itcontains chosen gems from the Vedas, Upanishads, Gita, Brahma Sutras, YogaSutras, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Bhagavatam, Shankara’s hymns and from the hymnsof inspired saints. It is a treasure of wisdom appealing to all seekers.
Veda Sadhanam is dedicated to the memory of H.H. Sadguru Swami SivanandajiMaharaj, whom Kavi Yogi Shuddhananda adored as the emanation of Divinity.
May all who study and follow the wisdom of ancient sages treasured in theVeda Sadhanam attain peace, bliss, light, and energy by realising the Real inthe human vesture! Hari Aum Tat Sat!
This book constitutes the gift of a great man to his contemporary humanfamily. The actual authors of the contents of this book are our ancient sages of”Prachina Bharatavarsha.” The inestimable service rendered to us byRev. Shuddhananda Bharatiji Maharaj is to delve into this ancient wisdom, make acompilation of its high points and translate it into English, with explanatorynotes added to it to bring out their inner meaning clearly to the seeker afterwisdom. The original Sanskrit source appears in the latter part of this bookcovering 66 pages. The English version covers 100 pages. There are two poems:one at the very beginning and the second one “SONG OF UNITY” upon theback cover. I recommend this book to all sincere seekers and earnest pursuers ofknowledge and wisdom. May this book have the wide circulation that it deserves.
Swami Chidananda
In the name of our beloved and late worshipped Maharshi Kavi Yogi SuddhanandaBharati of Yoga Samaj Sholapuram Tapalayam, who is no more present with us, I amvery glad to put into the hands of the reading public and especially spiritualseekers, this latest reprint of his well-known book VEDA SADHANAM. This is arare work of the Vedantic vision and its practical living that we have inheritedas our spiritual heritage. India’s ancient sages and seers who attained to thesupreme living experience of this supra-cosmic PRIMAL BEING declared theirvision and experience for the benefit of posterity. In our own times in thisrecent 20th Century we were blessed by the presence of such a sage and a seerwho appeared in this unbroken line of succession of spiritual masters to awakenmankind to the spiritual goal of life and enlighten the human world of the meansof attaining the supreme goal.
I have had the great fortune and blessedness of having personally met andknown and imbibed wisdom from late worshipful Maharishi Kavi Yogi ShuddhanandaBharati. He was a boyhood friend of our Holy Master Sri Swami SivanandajiMaharaj. Revered Sri Shuddhananda Bharatiji was an inspired poet, a greatscholar and linguist, familiar with more than a dozen languages including Frenchand Latin. He was also a very great patriot with intense love for India,Bharatavarsha, blazing in his heart. May his benedictions be upon all thereaders of this book.
Swami Chidananda
Trees are many; the grove is one
Branches are many; tree is one
Shores are many; sea is one
Limbs are many; body is one
Bodies many; Self is one
Stars are many; Sky is one
Flowers are many; honey is one
Pages are many; book is one
Thoughts are many; Thinker is one
Tastes are many; taster is one
Actors are many; the drama is one
Nations are many; World is one
Religions are many; Truth is one
The wise are many; Wisdom is one
Beings are many; Breath is one
Classes are many; College is one
Find out this One behind the many
Then life shall enjoy peaceful harmony
–Yogi Shuddhananda Bharati
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