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204 pages.
by Swami Sivananda
Table of Contents
Publishers’ Note
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Gurudev Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj’s life-transforming teachings are of universal interest and application. They transcend the limitations of caste, creed, colour and nationality. They who have a broad vision of life appreciate this sublime aspect of Gurudev’s teachings most.
Culture plays an important part in moulding the life of man. It is a basic prerequisite for refining human nature. ‘As a man thinks, so he becomes’ is a famous saying. The illustrious saintly author has written extensively on the subject. He laid a great stress on the all-round development of man and has given valuable hints on all aspects of culture to achieve that objective.
This work, Self-Culture, is a compilation done, as a labour of love, by late Sri Swami Satchidanandaji Maharaj who was a direct disciple of Gurudev. He sincerely served Gurudev personally for over a decade and, by dint of his proximity to Gurudev, he had a comprehensive knowledge of the range of Gurudev’s literature. We hope that this book will stimulate the readers’ interest to study deeply and become true seekers of the Knowledge of the Self.
17th April, 2005
(Rama Navami)
O Mother Nature! Salutations unto Thee,
Thou art the Sakthi of the Lord,
Thou keepest the world show,
Thou art all-merciful and kind.
Thou art the Vitamins A, B, C, D, E,
Thou art the hormone,
Thou art the body, mind and senses,
Thou art the fruits, milk and nuts.
Thou art energy, vigour and vitality,
Thou art health, disease and Nature Cure,
Thou art the Naturopath and Naturopathy,
Thou art life, intelligence and consciousness.
Thou art the bath, and diet cure,
Thou art the cell, gland and tissue,
Thou art ultra-violet rays.
Thou art the sun and the sun cure.
Thou art the doctor and the patient
Thou art the herb and the juice,
Thou art power, motion, and light
Thou art the minerals and salts.
O Mother Divine! Adorations unto Thee,
Reveal Thy true form unto me,
Give me health and long life,
Give me wisdom, light and power.
Let me behold Thee in all things,
Let me remember Thee at all times,
Let me see Thee in all forms,
Let me feel Thy presence everywhere.
Shower Thy Grace on me,
Help me to merge in Brahman,
Thy consort, Lord and Partner–
The Refuge, the Centre, the Goal of all.
l. Human effort and Divine grace are interconnected.
2. Make God your guide when you walk on the path of life.
3. Meditation is the invocation of the divinity lying deep within.
4. Love alone can cure all the ills of the life.
5. Learn to see God everywhere. This is real food for the eyes.
6. Knowledge and the renunciation leads to the realisation of the Self.
7. A Saint is the mightiest hero, for he has broken the unbreakable chain of Karma.
8. Ganga is my Mother and Himalayas my Father.
9. Beginning and end are mere illusions. Endless and Beginningless is the Soul or Atman.
10. Prayer is the mystic bridge built across the Gap between God and man.
11. He who sows generosity reaps love divine.
12. God is the essential Truth in man
13. All good actions have their beginning in good thoughts.
14. In the world-drama God is the actor and also the audience.
15. Love is the healing stream of life.
16. Great events arise out of small beginnings.
17. Creation is the appearance of the Lord, who is one in many.
18. God shows his grace to his devotee by manifesting as his Guru.
19. Compassion is not the weakness; compassion is divine power.
20. When the heart is purified the mind is naturally turned inwards.
21. Highest use of life is to live in the service of all beings.
22. Reduce your wants. Lead a happy contented life. Avoid unnecessary worry.
23. Goal of life is God-realisation. Attain this through Japa, Kirtan, Meditation and Satsang.
24. Service will give you opportunity for analysing yourself and finding out the imperfection that lies in you.
25. Nothing so educates a man as suffering and pain.
26. Feel that you are an instrument in the hands of God and that He works through your organs.
27. Be sagacious and prudent. Develop farsightedness; you can avert dangers and failures. You can overcome any shortcoming.
28. As long as you live, long to learn. Be a student forever.