Light on the Yoga Way of Life
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63 pages.
Light on the Yoga Way of Life
by SwamiChidananda
Table of Contents
Publishers’ Note What Should Be Our Goal? Are the Puranas Real? Can I Change My Guru? Are We Responsible for Our Sins? How Gods Communicate With Men? Supramental Race Memory Culture Essentials of A Sadhak’s Daily Routine How to Know Our Previous Birth? Light on the Ghost-world Where Ignorance Is Bliss Dharana and Dhyana Defined Hints for Concentration On Memory On the Control of Anger Brahmacharya The Benefits of Mantra-Writing Are Spiritual Institutions Necessary? The Role of Spiritual Institutions Rotarians’ Doubts Dispelled |
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This book, ‘Light on the Yoga Way of Life’, is acollection of questions put by various people from all walks of life from timeto time, and answers given to them by Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj.
The questions and answers in the pages that follow deal with some of thecommonest, but most vital, doubts raised by spiritual aspirants as well asordinary men of the world.
Swamiji’s clarity of thought, simplicity of expression and breadth ofknowledge will be of immense benefit to all levels of seekers. Swamiji’sattitude to the Guru, towards the scriptures, towards selfless service, towardseverything about the spiritual life sets an ideal example for all those whowould like to draw closer to God.
We do hope that everyone will benefit considerably from a careful perusal ofthe pages that follow and derive rare guidance and inspiration in their strugglefor perfection.
May the divine blessings of God and Gurudev be upon all.
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