Health and Hygiene
by Swami Sivananda
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Book Code: ES56
Paperback: 367 pages
ISBN: 8170520355
Book Dimensions: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.80 inches
Shipping Weight: 450 grams
Table of Contents
About This Book (Back Cover) | |
Dedication | (5) |
Sri Swami Sivananda | (6) |
1. Health is a Great Treasure | 15 |
2. Health and Disease | 17 |
3. Why Grow Old? | 21 |
4. Observe the Rules of Health | 23 |
Chapter One |
1. Public Health | 24 |
2. Health and Hygiene | 28 |
3. Hygiene and Sanitation | 33 |
4. Sanitary Laws | 35 |
Chapter Two |
House and Buildings | 37 |
Chapter Three |
1. Air | 41 |
2. Ventilation | 45 |
Chapter Four |
1. Quantity of Water Required | 49 |
2. Sources of Water | 49 |
3. Impurities of Water | 54 |
4. Effects of Impurities of Water | 55 |
5. Purification of Water | 56 |
Chapter Five |
1. Food | 60 |
2. A Well-balanced Diet | 69 |
Chapter Six |
Clothing | 75 |
Chapter Seven |
1. Personal Hygiene | 78 |
2. Hygiene of the Skin | 79 |
3. Hygiene of the Eye | 82 |
Chapter Eight |
1. Exercise and Rest | 87 |
2. Relaxation and Sleep | 92 |
3. Sleep | 93 |
Chapter Nine |
Mental Hygiene | |
Chapter Ten |
1. School Hygiene | |
2. Don’t for Students | |
Chapter Eleven |
Maternity and Child-Welfare | |
Chapter Twelve |
Domestic Hygiene | |
Chapter Thirteen |
Value of Sunlight | |
Chapter Fourteen |
1. Parasites | |
2. Spread of Disease by Insects | |
3. Insects | |
4. Insecticides | |
Chapter Fifteen |
Village Sanitation | |
Chapter Sixteen |
1. Disposal of Human Excreta | |
2. Disposal of Refuse | |
3. Disposal of Sewage | |
4. Water Carriage System | |
5. Disposal of Dead Bodies of Human Beings | |
Chapter Seventeen |
1. Infectious Diseases | |
2. Story of Germs | |
3. Immunity | |
4. Small-pox | |
5. Measles (or Morbilli) | |
6. Chickenpox (Varicella) | |
7. Malaria | |
8. Plague (Pestis) | |
9. Cholera | |
10. Typhoid Fever | |
11. Mumps | |
12. Dysentery | |
13. Leprosy | |
14. Kala-Azar | |
15. Beri-Beri | |
16. Influenza | |
17. Consumption | |
18. Whooping-Cough | |
19. Tetanus or Lock-Jaw | |
20. Hydrophobia (Rabies) | |
21. Venereal Diseases | |
22. Deliverance from Disease and Wretchedness | |
Chapter Eighteen |
Chapter Nineteen |
Climate and Meteorology | |
Chapter Twenty |
Vital Statistics | |
Book Two |
Anatomy | |
General Structure of the Body | |
The Skeleton | |
Joints |
Cavities of the Body | |
Tissues of the Body | |
Book Three |
Physiology | |
The Circulatory System | |
The Heart | |
Lymphatic System | |
The Respiratory System | |
Oxidation and Excretion | |
Endocrine System | |
Reproductive System | |
Spleen | |
The Urinary System | |
Dermatic System | |
The Skin | |
Body Heat and Temperature | |
The Digestive System | |
Taste | |
Organ of Smell | |
The Ear and Hearing | |
Voice and Speech | |
Organ of Sight | |
The Nervous System | |
Neurons | |
Cerebro-spinal System | |
The Sympathetic Nervous System | |
Reflex Action | |
Appendix A: Simple Household Remedies | |
Appendix B: Food for the Invalids | |
Appendix C: Dangerous Drug Habits |
Dedicated to
Lord Dhanvantari,
The Divine Physician
About This Book
The wise sage and practical spiritual leader of the modern world, Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj, started life as a doctor of the body. What is more significant, even at the very outset of his career as a physician and surgeon, Sri Swami Sivananda (then Dr. Kuppuswamy) revealed it as his mission that he should broadcast the correct knowledge of the body and its functions, and of health and hygiene, with an insistence upon prevention as better than cure.
As the reader is aware, Sri Swamiji, even after renouncing his lucrative medical practice, and all worldly pleasures and ambitions, and even while being engaged in intense spiritual practices, took an extraordinary pleasure in serving the sick and in educating the people in the principles of Health and Hygiene.
This volume, thus, is not only an authoritative text on Health and Hygiene from the pen of one who has been deeply interested in these aspects of life, but also the expression of the sage’s supreme concern in the welfare of all beings–Sarvabhutahite Ratah.