Health and Happiness

by Swami Sivananda

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Book Code: ES55
184 pages
ISBN: 8170520347
Book Dimensions: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.40 inches
Shipping Weight: 220 grams

Table of Contents

About This Book (Back Cover)  
Dedication 5
Sri Swami Sivananda 6
Publishers’ Note 7
Mahamrityunjaya Mantra 8
Causes of Disease 9
Health and Happiness 10
Prayer to Mother Nature 11
An Open Letter to all 12

Chapter I

What is Health? 19
Health is a Great Treasure 19
Necessity for Good Health 21
Means for Good Health 23
Health and Longevity 24
Health and Long Life 25
Chief Causes that Impair Good Health 26
Vital Facts about Health 28
Health and Happiness 29
Health and Hygiene 31

Chapter II

Nature Cure and Health 33
Fasting in Nature Cure 34
Fasts and Their Importance 35
Antidotes for Indigestion 36
Health and the Elements 37
Sunlight and Health 39
Bath 43
Sleep 44
Practical Aids to Sound Sleep 44

Chapter III

Diet and Health 47
Fruits and Health 51
Milk and Health 53
Between Meat and Milk (A dialogue) 54
Health, Hygiene and Diet 56
Health Menu 57
Shun Onion Pakkoda 57

Chapter IV

Discovery of Vitamins 60
Classification of Vitamins 62
Dietetic Instructions 63
Mysterious Vitamins in Food 64
Dietetic Value of Vitamins 65
Vitamins and Health 68
Story of Vitamin A 75
Tale of Vitamin B 80
Vitamin B-2 or G 85
Vitamin C (Analysed) 88
Vitamin D (Analysed) 92
Vitamin E (Analysed) 98
The Story of Vitamins 98

Chapter V

Dietetic Principles 101
Articles of Food 103

Chapter VI

Care of the Eyes 106
Blindness and Its Causes 106
Anatomy of the Eye 107
Care of the Eyes 108
Conjunctivitis 119
Cataract 120
Glaucoma 121
Errors of Refraction 122
Eyesight of Indians 123

Chapter VII

Physical Culture 125
Revitalisation in a Few Seconds 126
Physical Culture in Bed 127
Suryanamaskara Technique 130
Physical Culture for Babies 132
Massage and Health 134
Daily Electric Massage 135

Chapter VIII

Home Treatment of Diseases 136

Chapter IX

Ten Commandments 144
Twenty-six Precepts 144
Healing the Sick 146
Yoga for Health 147
Vedanta for Health 149
Health and Astrology 154
Vedantic Compressed Tablet 154
Vedantic Vitamin 155
Vedantic Beverage 156
Vedantic Tonic 156
Fattening and Thinning of 3 Bodies 157
Havan for Curing Tuberculosis 157
Divine Namapathy 160
Moksha Rasayana 161
An Adhyatmic Prescription 162

Chapter X

See God in Everything 164
Rules for Preservation of Health 167
How to Keep Healthy 169
The Cause of Ailments and the Cure 170
Use Your Commonsense 171
Back to Nature 172
Simple Nature Cure 173
Influence of Thoughts on Health 175
Soil and Its Influence on Health 176
Influence of Colour on Health 178
How to Become a Centenarian? 180
The Best 180
Song of Vibhuti Yoga 181
Tact at the Chemist’s 181
Domestic Medicine Chest 183

About This Book

We are happy to present to the readers the present edition of the book “Health and Happiness,” a work on health by Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj. This book gives a detailed and comprehensive idea about the fundamental laws of health and hygiene. It provides the key to real happiness, which can be achieved only through radiant health of body, mind and soul.

The book has been divided into ten chapters. Nature’s aid to health, dietetic principles, a detailed analysis of all the vitamins, physical culture (including Yoga exercises), ethical and spiritual observances and their influences on health, home treatment of diseases, are some of its salient features. A separate chapter has been devoted to “Care of the Eyes.”

We trust that readers will be immensely benefited by perusing and following the precepts contained in this work.

Dedicated to

Mother Prakriti, Nature,
Lord Dhanvantari,
The Asvini Kumaras,
And to every one, everywhere,
For Health, Longevity and
Happiness; Peace, Contentment
and Prosperity.

Publishers’ Note

We are happy to present to the readers the present edition of the book “Health and Happiness”, a work on health by Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj. This book gives a detailed and comprehensive idea about the fundamental laws of health and hygiene. It provides the key to real happiness, which can be achieved only through radiant health of body, mind and soul.

The book has been divided into ten chapters. Nature’s aid to health, dietetic principles, a detailed analysis of all the vitamins, physical culture (including Yoga exercises), ethical and spiritual observances and their influences on health, home treatment of diseases, are some of its salient features. A separate chapter has been devoted to “Care of the Eyes”.

We trust that readers will be immensely benefited by perusing and following the precepts contained in this work.


Mahamrityunjaya Mantra

Om Tryambakam Yajaamahe Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam,
Urvaarukamiva Bandhanaan-Mrityor-Muksheeya Maamritaat.

OM! I bow to that three-eyed Lord Siva who is full of sweet fragrance, who nourishes the human beings. May He free me from the bondage of Samsara and death, for the sake of Immortality, even as the cucumber is severed from its bondage (of the creeper).

Note: Repeat the above prayer at least 108 times daily. You will be protected from accidents and calamities. You will have a long life and a healthy body.

Causes of Disease

Immoderate drinking of water, excessive venery, sleep by day, and wake by night, overloading the stomach, putting off answering nature’s call,–these are the causes of illness.

Alcohol is a poison and proves highly deleterious to health by its injurious effect on the liver, nerves, blood-vessels and stomach. Excessive intake of water, too, is harmful.

Sexual excess shatters the nervous system altogether. The passions waste the nervous power.

Sleeping in the daytime is unnatural and it interferes with the sleep that naturally supervenes after day’s hard labour.

Waking during the night is a strain on the nervous system.

Overloading the stomach upsets digestion and causes loss of tone.

Failure to answer the calls of nature in time poisons the system and exerts as bad an effect on the health of a man as an obstructed drain or a sewer and retention of solid refuse of a town have on the health of the community at large.

Health And Happiness

I am the God of Happiness,
I simply make you smile:

I prove that life is worth living
And that everything is worthwhile:

I force the failure to his feet
And make the growler grin.

I am the God of Happiness:
My name is Health and Happiness,

I am the God of luckiness;
Observe my twinkling eye!

Success is sure to follow those
Who keep me close by.

I make men strong and healthy–
Who were quarrelsome and thin;

I am the God of luckiness:
My name is Health and Happiness.

Prayer To Mother Nature

O Mother Nature! Salutations unto Thee!
Thou keepest the world show
Thou art all-merciful and kind
Thou art the Vitamins A, B, C, D, E,
Thou art the hormone
Thou art the body, mind and senses
Thou art the fruits, milk and nuts
Thou art energy, vigour and vitality
Thou art health, disease and Nature Cure
Thou art the Naturopath and Naturopathy
Thou art life, intelligence and consciousness
Thou art the bath and diet cure
Thou art the cell, gland and tissue
Thou art ultra-violet rays
Thou art the sun and the sun-cure
Thou art the curer and the patient
Thou art the herb and the juice
Thou art Power, motion and light
Thou art mineral and salt
O Mother Divine! Adoration unto Thee!
Reveal Thy true form unto me
Give me health and long life
Give me wisdom, light and power,
Let me behold Thee in all things
Let me remember Thee at all times
Let me see Thee in all forms
Let me feel Thy presence everywhere.
Shower Thy Grace on me
Help me to merge in Brahman–
Thy Consort, Lord and Partner
The Refuge, the Centre, the Goal of all.

An Open Letter To All

Immortal Self,

Salutations and Adorations.

You had enough of sense and sex-gratification in all your previous bodies of various animals. Animal life is meant for satisfaction of lower appetites of sex and tongue. But human life is meant for higher purpose. Why do you, O man, burn the sandalwood tree for purpose of charcoal? This human life is very precious, envied by even the gods. One life lost means one golden opportunity to become GOD is lost.

Fight bravely in this battle of life. Arm yourself with the shield of discrimination and sword of dispassion. March forward courageously. Yield not to temptations. Meditate on the Inner self regularly. You will enter the illimitable domain of eternal bliss and everlasting peace. You will build up the life of calm, strength, repose and peace.

Therefore, be earnest, be sincere, be eager to have Satsanga with Mahatmas and do Nama Sankirtan for attaining God-consciousness.

May the Lord bless you

Health And Longevity

He who drinks and has no thirst,
Or eats and has no hunger,
He who does not take any exercise,
Suffers illness and dies young.

He who wastes much the vital fluid,
He who uses tobacco,
He who takes heavy dinners,
Suffers illness and dies young.

He who drinks butter-milk,
He who eats tomatoes and lemons,
He who walks three miles daily,
Is healthy and attains longevity.

He who is moderate in everything,
He who basks in the Sun,
He who takes cold bath,
Is healthy and attains longevity.

He who is ever busy,
He who talks a little,
He who drinks water in the early morning,
Is healthy and attains long life.

He who takes spinach or Palak,
He who gets up when he is still hungry,
He who observes silence during eating,
Is healthy and attains long life.

He who fasts and meditates,
He who eats to live,
He who takes to Nature-cure,
Is healthy and attains immortality.

Health And Long Life

Observe the laws of health,
Attend to the rules of hygiene,
Prevention is better than cure,
Nip the malady in its bud.

Masticate the food thoroughly,
Have a balanced diet,
Take moderate food,
Avoid late supper at night.

Bask in the Sun for a while,
Run in the open air,
Have a long walk,
Do Danda and Kasrat.

Avoid liquor and intoxicants,
Have simple living and high thinking,
Take cold bath in the morning,
Lead a life of continence.

Diseases are the destroyers of health,
Health is the means for attaining the goal,
Keep the body healthy and strong,
Qualify yourself as your own doctor.

Sariramadyam Khalu Dharmasadhanam,
Have a knowledge of the diseases and symptoms,
And ward off the troubles and diseases,
Lead a life of ease and happiness,
Nurse the sick for getting Chitta-Suddhi,
And attain Eternal Bliss and Immortality.

Fast once in a month,
Give up salt on Sundays,
Keep the bowels open,
Get help from nature.

Go to bed early,
Rise up early,
Pray fervently,
Meditate regularly.

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