Foreword Preface Messages
Brief Life Sketches His Holiness Sadguru Sri Swami Sivananda Saraswati Sri Swami Chidananda Saraswati Sri Swami Krishnananda Saraswati
I. DIVINE LIFE 1. Aims and Objects of the Divine Life Society 2. The Ideal of Divine Life 3. The Basic Ideals of the Divine Life Society 4. What Is Divine Life? 5. Living The Divine Life 6. Be Divine 7. The Branches of the Society 8. Lead The Divine Life
II. NEW YEAR GREETINGS Worshipful Sad-Gurudev Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj Gurudev Swami Sri Chidanandaji Maharaj
III. YOGA OF SYNTHESIS 1. The Divine Life Crest 2. Serve, Love, Meditate, Realise 3. Gurudev’s Integral Yoga 4. Serve, Love, Meditate, Realise. Be Good. Do Good
IV. SERVE 1. Selfless Service 2. Yoga of Service 3. Yajna–The Essence of Karma Yoga 4. Karma Yoga 5. Importance of Karma Yoga 6. Work Is Worship 7. Nishkamya Karma Yoga 8. Nishkama Karma–The Philosophy of Excellence in Work 9. The Essence of Service 10. Secret of Karma Yoga 11. Yoga Karmasu Kaushalam 12. Karma Yoga Is Sadhana 13. Selfless Service–The Foundation of Spiritual Ascent 14. Selfless Service–The True Symbol of Renunciation 15. Work That Liberates 16. No Loss In Karma Yoga 17. Qualifications of A Karma Yogi 18. Highest Self-Sacrifice 19. Dynamic Selflessness
V. LOVE 1. Divine Love 2. The Path of Devotion 3. The Path of Divine Devotion 4. Philosophy of Bhakti 5. Bhakti 6. Worship of The Guru 7. Bhakti Yoga Sadhana 8. Devotion That Liberates 9. Eleven Points for Development of Bhakti 10. Radha–The Personification of Bhakti 11. Para Bhakti 12. Real Surrender And Adoration 13. Self Surrender 14. Secret of Surrender 15. Isvarapranidhana or Self-Surrender 16. Surrender 17. God Is Immanent 18. The Immanence of God 19. The Divine Name 20. The Doctrine of Grace 21. The Divine Name 22. Withdrawal of The Mind Through Prayer 23. Prayer–Its Purpose And Prerequisites 24. Prayer–The Fire of Divine Love 25. Prayer 26. He is Your Guide, Friend And Philosopher 27. God is Love 28. God’s Presence Is Everywhere 29. Mantra Japa Yoga 30. How to Let God In To The Heart
VI. MEDITATE 1. What is Meditation? 2. No Meditation, No Realisation 3. Meditation–Nature and Technique 4. Meditation–A Critical Investigation 5. Meditation–The Process of Spiritual Ascent 6. Pre-Requisites For Meditation 7. Step by Step on The Yoga Ladder 8. What Happens in Meditation 9. The Most Common Obstacles to Meditation 10. Samadhi 11. Meditation–Preparation And Process
VII. REALISE 1. Know Thyself 2. Awake, Arise And Know Thyself 3. The Reality Behind All Phenomena 4. The Goal of Life 5. Gurudev’s Real Message 6. Highest End of Man 7. Is Liberation Possible In This Very Birth? 8. Path to Self-Realisation 9. Way to Liberation 10. Awaken Your Divinity 11. You Are The Light 12. The Pinnacle of Glory 13. From Knowledge to Experience 14. Abide In Your Self! 15. Moksha: The Final Liberation 16. Light, Power And Wisdom 17. Attainment of Divine Perfection 18. Be Aware Only of The One 19. Self Is Sat-Chit-Ananda 20. Avarana And Vikshepa-Sakti 21. Jeevo Brahmaiva Na-Aparah 22. Teachings of Vedanta 23. “Brahma Satyam Jagan-Mithya” 24. Objective of Yoga-Vedanta 25. Easy Steps to Vedanta 26. The Mahavakyas 27. Understanding Thou Art That 28. Know Thyself 29. Renunciation–The Path to Salvation 30. True Purpose in Life 31. Ever Keep The Sublime Ideal Before You
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Swami Sivananda Swami Chidananda
Swami Premananda
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