Daily Swadhyaya
by Swami Chidananda
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Hardcover: 370 pages
ISBN: 81-7052-177-7
Book Dimensions: 8.75 x 5.50 x 1.00 inch
Shipping Weight: 560 grams
Table of Contents
Back Cover | |
Inside Front Cover | |
Inside Back Cover | |
Blessings Letter From Swami Chidananda | |
Preface | |
Dedication | |
Introduction | |
Bibliography | |
1. Special Occasions And Festivals |
1.1 New Year Messages | |
My Humble Prayer 1 | January 1 |
My Humble Prayer 2 | January 2 |
Let Divinity Be The Keynote | January 3 |
January 4 | |
Make This A Perfect Day | January 5 |
Manifest Divinity | January 6 |
Lead The Divine Life | January 7 |
Problems And Solutions Are Within | January 8 |
Keep Open The Doors Of Your Heart | January 9 |
Connect Yourself With God | January 10 |
God Dwells In Our Heart | January 11 |
Aspire For God Alone | January 12 |
1.2 Divine Life Society Foundation Day | |
The Vision Of Divine Life | January 13 |
The Divine Life Society | January 14 |
Living Divine Life | January 15 |
Sadhana Of Divine Life | January 16 |
1.3 Gurudev’s Sannyasa Day | |
Blazing Fire Of Renunciation | May 30 |
The Lofty Ideal Of Renunciation | May 31 |
True Sannyasa | June 1 |
1.4 Guru Purnima – Aradhana Day | |
In The Lands Of God | July 13 |
Mantra Initiation | July 14 |
The Greatest Gurubhakti | July 15 |
The Guru Lives Through His Teachings | July 16 |
Guru-Dakshina | July 17 |
Guru-Oriented Life | July 18 |
The Real Victory | July 19 |
Obedience Is Better Than Reverence | July 20 |
You Are A Living Light Of Guru’s Ideals | July 21 |
Obedience | July 22 |
Be Thou A Yogi | July 23 |
Understand Your Life | July 24 |
1.5 Rakshabandhan | |
The Divine Insurance Company | August 10 |
1.6 Janmashtami | |
The Divine Advent | August 21 |
1.7 Sivananda Jayanti | |
Swami Sivananda – A Spiritual Guide | September 6 |
Manifestation Of God | September 7 |
Serve To Purify | September 8 |
He Is Beside You | September 9 |
The Role Of Discipline | September 10 |
1.8 Durga Puja | |
Lead Me From Darkness To Light | September 24 |
Worship Of Mother Kali | September 25 |
Select Your Path | September 26 |
Constantly Be Victorious Over Undivine Forces | September 27 |
Stillness In The Midst Of Activity | September 28 |
Life Is A Mission | September 29 |
Awaken Into Your Real Nature | September 30 |
Be Rooted In The One | October 1 |
The Vision Of Life | October 3 |
Be Filled With Atma-chintan | October 4 |
1.9 Gandhi Jayanti | |
Feel The Suffering Of Others | October 2 |
1.10 Deepavali | |
You Are The Light | October 24 |
The Significance Of Dipavali | October 25 |
Can We Rejoice Always? | October 26 |
Live In The Light | October 27 |
1.11 Skanda Puja | |
The Divine Commander | October 28 |
The Inner Battle | October 29 |
The Ingredients Of Sadhana-1 | October 30 |
The Ingredients Of Sadhana-2 | October 31 |
Never Despair | November 1 |
1.12 Sri Gita Jayanti | |
The Arjuna Complex | December 8 |
The Call Of Gita | December 9 |
The Art And Science Of Karma | December 10 |
Spiritualise All Activity | December 11 |
Anasakti Yoga | December 12 |
Life Is Short, Utilise It To Attain That | December 13 |
The Gita Yoga – An Inner Vision | December 14 |
The Gita Yoga – An Outer Vision | December 15 |
The Lord’s Promise | December 16 |
The Infinite Power Within | December 17 |
1.13 Sri Dattatreya Jayanti | |
Dattatreya’s Admonition | December 18 |
The Call Of The Great Ones | December 19 |
1.14 Christmas Messages | |
Infinite Love Of God | December 20 |
Grow In God-Nature | December 21 |
St. Francis Of Assisi | December 22 |
Essence Of Christianity | December 23 |
Thy Kingdom Come | December 24 |
God Is Now, Here | December 25 |
A Call To Rebirth | December 26 |
1.15 Year End Messages | |
Be Up, Ascend Into Divinity | December 27 |
Make Your Life Spiritual | December 28 |
Seeker’s Efforts Are Backed By Grace | December 29 |
Know Yourself | December 30 |
1.16 Sri Visvanatha Jayanti | |
Visvanatha Abides Within | December 31 |
2. Bases Of Sadhana |
2.1 Religion And Righteousness | |
The Spirit Of Religion | January 17 |
The Essence Of Dharma | January 18 |
Unity Of Religions | January 19 |
Practise Awareness Of God | January 20 |
2.2 Virtue, The Purifying Force | |
Virtue, The Purifying Force | January 21 |
Worship God As Virtue | January 22 |
Cultivate Virtues | January 23 |
Practice Of Virtues | January 24 |
Worship That With The Flower Of Truth | January 25 |
Practice Of Truth | January 26 |
Grow In Godliness | January 27 |
Be Simple And Humble | January 28 |
All Faculties Are Divine | January 29 |
Faith, Hope And Charity | January 30 |
Three Ideals Of Life | January 31 |
Peace, The Essence Of Happiness | February 1 |
Peace | February 2 |
Cultivate Peace | February 3 |
The Peace Within | February 4 |
World Peace | February 5 |
Happiness | February 6 |
Real Happiness | February 7 |
The Search For Happiness | February 8 |
The Key To Happiness | February 9 |
2.3 Time Is Life, Be Up And Doing | |
Time Is Life | February 10 |
Be Up And Doing | February 11 |
Do It Now | February 12 |
This Moment | February 13 |
Man Is The Architect Of His Fate | February 14 |
You Are The Master Of Your Future | February 15 |
Implications Of Law Of Karma | February 16 |
Purushartha, The Self-effort | February 17 |
Active Effort Leads To The Goal | February 18 |
Enthusiasm – God In You | February 19 |
2.4 You Are The Master Of Your Destiny | |
The All Conquering Power | February 20 |
Perseverance Leads To Success | February 21 |
God’s Grace And Self-effort | February 22 |
Effort And Faith | February 23 |
God Helps Those Who Help Themselves | February 24 |
Purushartha And Self-control | February 25 |
2.5 Challenges Make You Stronger | |
Obstacles Are Opportunities | February 26 |
Pain Is A Blessing In Disguise | February 27 |
2.6 Positive Approach Is Key To Success | |
All Things Are Possible | February 28 |
Always Be Positive | February 29 |
Nothing Succeeds Like Success | March 1 |
Create Opportunities | March 2 |
God Is Ever Ready To Help You | March 3 |
Everything Happens For Your Good | March 4 |
Challenges Make You Stronger | March 5 |
You Are Unique In The Eyes Of God | March 6 |
Nature Is Friendly | March 7 |
The World Is Not Our Enemy | March 8 |
The Conscious Can Triumph Over The Inert | March 9 |
3. Sadhana Guidelines |
3.1 Guidelines To The Householders | |
Grihasthashrama | March 10 |
The Home – A Sacred Place | March 11 |
A Spiritual Routine For The Householder | March 12 |
Spiritual Guidance To Children | March 13 |
Sanctity Of Marriage | March 14 |
Laws Of Health | March 15 |
Prosperity In Home | March 16 |
Proper Food | March 17 |
The Laws Of Prosperity | March 18 |
3.2 The Purpose And Goal Of Life | |
The True Purpose Of Life | March 19 |
What Should Be Our Goal | March 20 |
Determine Your Goal | March 21 |
Spiritual Life | March 22 |
Life Is The Portal Of Perfection | March 23 |
Seek Divinity | March 24 |
Keep Moving Towards The Destination | March 25 |
Ever Onwards, Upwards | March 26 |
3.3 The Practical Hints For Sadhana | |
Prepare For The Advent Of Paramatma | March 27 |
The First Sadhana | March 28 |
Daily Sadhana | March 29 |
Sadhaka’s Daily Routine | March 30 |
Early In The Morning | March 31 |
Foundation Of Spiritual Life | April 1 |
Bases Of Sadhana | April 2 |
Start The Day In An Ideal Way | April 3 |
Grow Into God-nature | April 4 |
Open Up Yourself For God’s Grace | April 5 |
Make Yourself Worthy Of His Grace | April 6 |
Sadhana For Modern Man | April 7 |
The Key To Your Transformation | April 8 |
The Necessity Of Introspection | April 9 |
Become Like A Child | April 10 |
Engage In Right Action | April 11 |
Transform Your Actions Into Divine Worship | April 12 |
Four Transforming Factors | April 13 |
Not A Rosy Path | April 14 |
Ascend Higher And Higher | April 15 |
A Worthy Life | April 16 |
What Is True Success | April 17 |
4. Yoga |
4.1 Yoga, The Path To Blessedness | |
Yoga And Religion | April 18 |
Bases Of Yoga | April 19 |
The Meaning And Purpose Of Yoga | April 20 |
Ascent To The Divine | April 21 |
Yoga, The Path To Blessedness | April 22 |
Yogic Life – In And Through The World | April 23 |
Principles Of Yoga | April 24 |
The Levels Of Unfoldment | April 25 |
Yoga And Vedanta | April 26 |
Occult Phenomena | April 27 |
The Dangers Of Occult Powers | April 28 |
Kundalini Shakti | April 29 |
4.2 The Yoga Of Synthesis | |
The Yoga Of Synthesis | April 30 |
Paths Of Yoga | May 1 |
The Process Of Yoga | May 2 |
Serve, Love, Meditate, Realise | May 3 |
4.3 Karma Yoga, Selfless Service | |
Do Good | May 4 |
Selfless Service | May 5 |
Nishkama Karma Yoga | May 6 |
Life Is Upheld By Sacrifice | May 7 |
Cultivate The Spirit Of Yajna | May 8 |
Expand Your Identification | May 9 |
4.4 Bhakti Yoga, The Path Of Devotion | |
The Path Of Devotion | May 10 |
True Bhakti | May 11 |
Devotion That Liberates | May 12 |
Para-Bhakti | May 13 |
What Pleases The Lord? | May 14 |
Purity, The Pre-requisite To Perfection | May 15 |
The Divine Name | May 16 |
Prayer | May 17 |
Prayer – Its Prerequisites | May 18 |
Life Transforming Power Of Prayer | May 19 |
The Devotee Becomes Invulnerable | May 20 |
The Inner Communion | May 21 |
The Path Of Surrender | May 22 |
Surrender | May 23 |
4.5 Raja Yoga Of Patanjali | |
1. Yamas | |
Nishtha, Steadfastness | May 24 |
The Yamas And Niyamas | May 25 |
Ahimsa | May 26 |
Satyam, Truthfulness | May 27 |
Brahmacharya | May 28 |
Asteya And Aparigraha | May 29 |
2. Niyamas | |
Shaucha Or Purity | June 2 |
Santosha Or Contentment | June 3 |
Tapas | June 4 |
Importance Of Svadhyaya | June 5 |
Practical Value Of Svadhyaya | June 6 |
Benefits Of Svadhyaya | June 7 |
Ishvara-Pranidhana Or Self-Surrender | June 8 |
Real Self-Surrender | June 9 |
3. Asana | |
Asana | June 10 |
4. Pranayama | |
Pranayama | June 11 |
5. Pratyahara, The Withdrawal Of The Mind |
A. Mind | |
Mind – Your Greatest Friend | June 12 |
The Nature Of Mind | June 13 |
Yoga And Mind Control | June 14 |
Channels Of Enriching The Mind | June 15 |
Cultivate Noble Thoughts | June 16 |
B. Chitta-Vritti | |
Transcend The Mind | June 17 |
The Mind-Stuff | June 18 |
Chitta-Vritti | June 19 |
Samskaras | June 20 |
Nullifying The Samskaras | June 21 |
Overcome Temptations | June 22 |
Cultivate Your Antahkarana | June 23 |
C. Pratyahara | |
Spiritual Significance Of Vratas | June 24 |
Conquer The Battle Within | June 25 |
Self-Control | June 26 |
Pratyahara | June 27 |
Practice Of Pratyahara | June 28 |
Pratyahara – Practical Hints | June 29 |
Aids To Pratyahara | June 30 |
Phases Of Pratyahara | July 1 |
6. Dharana Or Concentration | |
Dharana | July 2 |
Focussing Of The Mind | July 3 |
Practice Of Dharana | July 4 |
Hints For Concentration | July 5 |
7. Meditation | |
Meditation | July 6 |
The Nature Of Meditation | July 7 |
The Process Of Meditation | July 8 |
Practice Of Meditation | July 9 |
Meditation, Some Practical Hints | July 10 |
Obstacles To Meditation | July 11 |
8. Samadhi | |
Samadhi | July 12 |
4.6 Jnana Yoga | |
4.6.1 The World Is An Abode Of Misery | |
The World Is An Abode Of Misery | July 25 |
Pleasures Create Unhappiness | July 26 |
Defects Of Enjoyments | July 27 |
Eternal Happiness | July 28 |
Maya – The Divine Power | July 29 |
Maya – Its Nature And Conquest | July 30 |
How To Overcome Maya? | July 31 |
4.6.2 The Root Cause Of Bondage | |
Die To Live | August 1 |
‘I’ Is The Greatest Bondage | August 2 |
The Folly Of Ego | August 3 |
Renounce Your Ego | August 4 |
Kill This Little ‘I’ | August 5 |
Spirituality Transforms | August 6 |
The Root Cause Of Bondage | August 7 |
Dehadhyasa – The Wrong Identification | August 8 |
Die To Your Separate Personality | August 9 |
4.6.3 The Fourfold Sadhana | |
I Vichara And Viveka | |
Vichara Enquiry | August 11 |
The Process Of Vichara | August 12 |
Sad-Vichara, Right Enquiry | August 13 |
Viveka | August 14 |
Discriminate Between Shreya And Preya | August 15 |
Discrimination 1 | August 16 |
Discrimination 2 | August 17 |
Choose To Manifest Divinity | August 18 |
Affirm Truth | August 19 |
Base Your Life Upon Wisdom | August 20 |
II Abhyasa And Vairagya | |
Real Renunciation | August 22 |
Satsanga And Detachment | August 23 |
Abhyasa Of Vairagya | August 24 |
III Shat Sampatti | |
Shat-sampatti : Shama | August 25 |
Shat-sampatti: Dama And Uparati | August 26 |
Titiksha, Shraddha, Samadhana | August 27 |
IV Mumukshutva | |
Mumukshutva | August 28 |
The Quintessence Of Spiritual Quest | August 29 |
Develop Longing For God | August 30 |
Mumukshutva – The Prerequisite Of Liberation | August 31 |
4.6.4 Practice Of Jnana Yoga | |
Shubheccha – Good Desire | September 1 |
Be Persistent In Abhyasa | September 2 |
Knowledge Is Meant To Be Lived | September 3 |
From Knowledge To Experience | September 4 |
Choose Your Life | September 5 |
Shravana Illumines | September 11 |
Practice Of Manana | September 12 |
Nididhyasana | September 13 |
4.6.5 Essence Of Jnana Yoga | |
Overcome The Barriers | September 14 |
The Fundamental Error | September 15 |
Awake, Arise, Become Illumined | September 16 |
Live For A Sublime Ideal | September 17 |
Whatever There Is, Is From Within | September 18 |
Search Within | September 19 |
Bondage And Liberation | September 20 |
Transcend Your Environment | September 21 |
Wisdom And Knowledge | September 22 |
The Essential Knowledge | September 23 |
Higher Knowledge | October 5 |
Paravidya | October 6 |
The Basic Truths | October 7 |
Call Of Vedanta | October 8 |
Wisdom Liberates | October 9 |
What Is The Reality Of Jivatma? | October 10 |
Jivatma And Paramatma | October 11 |
Now Is The Key To Liberation | October 12 |
Aparokshanubhuti | October 13 |
5. The Eternal Call |
5.1 Thou Art That | |
Thou Art That | October 14 |
No Distance Between Us And Reality | October 15 |
You Are That | October 16 |
Your Real Nature | October 17 |
Bliss Is Within | October 18 |
Everlasting Bliss | October 19 |
Know That You Are Divine | October 20 |
You Are No Other Than Brahman | October 21 |
5.2 Thou Or Tvam | |
You Are Children Of The Divine | October 22 |
You Are That Reality | October 23 |
You Are Pure Like A Crystal | November 2 |
Darkness To Light | November 3 |
Your Inseparable Essential Nature | November 4 |
Life You Must Live | November 5 |
Your True Nature | November 6 |
5.3 That Or Tat | |
God Is Love | November 7 |
Cultivate Awareness Of The Reality | November 8 |
That Is The Hidden Essence Of All Things | November 9 |
5.4 All Is One Only Or Asi | |
There Exists One Only | November 10 |
All Are One | November 11 |
The Immanence Of God | November 12 |
See God In All | November 13 |
Feel Oneness With All Beings | November 14 |
5.5 Realise The Self | |
The Unbroken Link | November 15 |
Awake, Arise | November 16 |
Let Divinity Be Your Keynote | November 17 |
Be Aware Of The Hidden Reality | November 18 |
Spiritualise Your Daily Routine | November 19 |
Divinity Is Your Birthright | November 20 |
Claim Your Birthright | November 21 |
Thou Art Divinity | November 22 |
Fulfilment Of Life | November 23 |
Heart Of Sadhana | November 24 |
The Paradox Of Self-Realisation | November 25 |
Awaken To Your Divinity | November 26 |
Attain Divine Perfection | November 27 |
God-Consciousness | November 28 |
Liberate Yourself | November 29 |
The First Thought In The Morning | November 30 |
Spiritual Ascent | December 1 |
Persevere Till The Last Breath | December 2 |
Be Established In The Self | December 3 |
Be Straight Like An Arrow | December 4 |
Experience That Truth | December 5 |
In This Very Birth | December 6 |
Attain Divinity | December 7 |
Back Cover
H.H. Sri Swami Chidanandaji’s extremely austere life and his wisdom teachings remind us of the seers and sages of the Upanishadic era. But there is on difference: Whereas the ancient teachings were aphoristic, abstract and extremely difficult to understand, Swamiji’s teachings are elaborate, easy-to-understand and imparted with affection of a parent or guru. As such, this mini-compendium of wisdom and knowledge all both secular as well as spiritual will greatly benefit the spiritual aspirants all over the world in their day-to-day activities and spiritual ascent.
Inside Front Cover
On the holy Buddha Purnima day in May 1943, a 26-year old well-educated youth from an aristocrat family prostrated before Swami Sivananda and dedicated him totally at the feet of the guru. He was appointed as the General Secretary of the Divine Life Society in 1947 and was elected as its President in 1963. Though he toured all over the world again and again, he remained an extremely simple, humble and austere sage. His spiritual height endeared himself to all the saints, philosophers and sincere seekers. His inspiring talks are an invaluable treasure for all the seekers.
Inside Back Cover
The Divine Life Society was established on January 13th, 1936. The objective, functioning and the integrated broad approach of the Society can be comprehended by a few words of Swami Sivananda: Serve, Love, Purify, Meditate, Realise. Be good, Do good. Be kind. Be compassionate. The call of the founder guru was: “The goal of life is Self-Realisation. It is your birthright.” And the Ashram provides ideal ambience and surroundings for this.
The Headquarter of the Society is at Sivananda Ashram, SIVANANDA-NAGAR–249 192, Near Rishikesh. The Society has over 400 Branches, sub-branches, and many satsanga centres all over the world. The Society and its branches are actively rendering various types of spiritual, social and philanthropist activities to serve the humanity in all possible ways.
Blessings Letter From Swami Chidananda
The Divine Life Society
PO. Shivanandanagar-249 192
Distt. Tehri-Garhwal,
U.A., Himalayas, India
Saturday, July 09, 2005
Sri Swami Nirakaranandaji
Dwarka Dham,
Radiant Immortal Atman!
Blessed & Esteemed Swami Nirakaranandaji (formerly Pravinbhai Bhatt),
Om Namo Narayanaya!
Om Namo Bhagavate Sivanandaya!
I come to know that you are gathering together the miscellaneous lectures and written articles I have been giving at various places upon different occasions and compiling them all together, and bringing out this compilation in a printed book form under the title “Daily Swadhyaya with H. H. Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj”.
I appreciate the effort which you have put forth in bringing about the above mentioned book. In as much as all these activities undertaken by me were fully in the service of Beloved and Worshipful Gurudev Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj, I pray to Him to shower His choicest Ashirvad (Blessings) upon the book. I hereby add my bessings also to Gurudev’s Ashirvad. Not only do I add my blessings but also I send you my very best wishes for wide circulation of your book once its printing is completed and it comes out of the press in fully finished book form.
May it form a mini-compendium of wisdom and knowledge both secular as well as spiritual! I wish this project of yours all success!
May God bless you!
Yours in the Lord
(Swami Chidananda)
This handy book of “DAILY SWADHYAYA with Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj” can serve as your daily companion. It is a boon to all seekers. It contains practical spirtual advice. You can open any page at random and you will find an inspiring passage. By reading it, you will receive much inspiration and help in your daily sadhana. Every page of this book contains valuable spiritual hints. I wish the book wide circulation.
May the benedictions of Sat Gurudev Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj as well as revered Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj ever be upon you all.
Swami Vimalananda
Sivananda Ashram,
PO. Shivanandanagar-249 192
June 29th, 2005
the Illumined Sears, Sages,
Saints and Gurus,
Who gave the eternal call,
“O children of Immortality!
Thou art That,
The all-pervading Brahman.
Thou are Satchidananda.
Know thy Self
Be Free!”
The ancient saints, sages as well as many gurus in even modern times were amazed by the supernal Experience that they had. They partook of the infinite Ocean of infinite Joy, unfathomable Bliss and profound Peace that passeth understanding. With all compassion and love for the humanity, they gave a call for awakening: “O Amritasya putrah (O children of the Divine)! We have gone beyond sorrow and have experienced a Realm of everlasting sunshine attaining which one is filled with Bliss and Peace, and one goes from darkness to Light, from death to Immortality! We have experienced That who is Satchidananda, who is the embodiment of love, who is closer to us than even our breath. That is the only Reality that pervades everything – within and without. You are an amsha of That. That is the Indweller of your being. Tat tvam asi–Thou art That. Jiva is no other than Brahman. Awake, arise, attain your Divinity; it is your birthright. This human birth is a golden opportunity to merge back into your Origin. That is the purpose and goal of life. Attain That in this very birth.”
The ancients sages tell us, “You are ever-perfect, ever-liberated Atman.” But the paradox of the supreme Experience is that though they tell us that we are already That, which is absolute Bliss beyond all sorrows and pain, yet we are not experiencing it; we experience sorrow and suffering. They say It is nearer to you than the nearest, It is ever-present, all-pervading. But, why we are not able to know It? What is the method for attaining It, for the ‘revelation of the ever Revealed’?
The scriptures are abstract and aphoristic, and the inner esoteric meaning cannot be understood without proper guidance of an illumined guru. In ancient times, a seeker would approach an illumined sage with all humility, prostrate before him, ask for knowledge, and become his disciple. Guru would not only impart him knowledge of the scriptures, but would also train him in spiritual practices of self-control, withdrawal, and all that was necessary to make him uttam adhikari (properly qualified as a receptacle of higher Knowledge) to receive Brahma Jnana. This practice of daily learning from the guru is prescribed by the Jnana Yoga as shravan and by Raja Yoga as svadhyaya.
In modern times, such daily direct contact with the guru is not possible. Now that printing of books is easily done, these benefits can be availed through daily svadhyaya of teachings of an illumined guru. The scriptures and writings of illumined sages have special power, and also the invisible living presence of the saint and his vibrations. Daily regular svadhyaya (study) of them with full shraddha (faith) would transform the reader and make him so much pure-hearted that with proper purushartha (unceasing endeavour) and regular deep meditation, he would be able to attain the supreme Experience.
Swami Sivananda and Swami Chidananda gave this call again and again to awaken the mankind. Swami Sivananda wrote more than 300 books in an easy-to-understand inimitable style of his own, and made available the essence of scriptures to the common man. And Swami Chidananda tried to awaken his disciples in pursuit of the supreme goal of man through discourses. He spoke with love of a father and guru in such a way that will make the abstract high philosophy of the scriptures clearly understood, and will also inspire them to pursue the Goal.
It was his practice to address the gathering after early morning meditation. He spoke from a totally different state of consciousness. In all these talks, he gave the quintessence of Upanishads and tried to awaken the audience. But all are not fortunate to remain present and listen to these highly charged inspiring talks. For such people, and even for those who could participate in this rare treat of the morning talks, the desire to read them again and again, and become benefited by them is persistent. So, some of these invaluable talks have been published as books, some as video/audio cassettes. However, for regular daily svadhyaya, it was necessary to have the best of his inspiring talks in a book form. Recognising the need of the modern man, we have compiled them in one-page concise form retaining the main content. We have given them in date-wise format so that regular svadhyaya can easily be practised, and can be made as a part of one’s daily spiritual routine.
The main objective of this compilation is to make clear to the reader the Goal and purpose of this human birth, and repeat the ancient call for awakening. Regular daily study of this compilation will enable the sincere jijnasu to recognise and make constantly aware that the goal of life is Self-realisation, and will inspire him to seek his inherent Divinity and become liberated for ever. We have tried to include talks on all the necessary preparation and foundation for this great task and on the four main paths of Yoga, and have arranged them in an easy-to-understand order. We have also included his messages on festivals and special occasions, for they bring out the esoteric meaning of our ancient practices. We have made use of all the books of Sri Swamiji Maharaj and also some unpublished talks. However, for further reading and ready reference a bibliography of his books is given at the end.
Advices On Spiritual Living
A Message To New Initiates
Awake, Realise Your Divinity
A Guide To Noble Living
A New Beginning
A Call To Liberation
A Young Person’s Guide
Bliss Is Within
Durga Puja Lectures
Essentials Of The Higher Values Of Life
Eternal Messages Of Swami Chidananda
Forest Academy Lectures
God As Mother
How To Approach A Saint
Lectures On Raja Yoga
Light Fountain
Message Of Swami Chidananda To Mankind
Methods Of Meditation
New Year Message 2003
On Love
Path To Blessedness
Ponder These Truths
Practical Guide To Yoga
Realization Through Devotion
Renunciation–a Life Of Surrender And Trust
Sadhana For The Modern Man
Sivanand Regalia
Success In Life
Swami Sivananda Saint, Sage And Godman
Special Insights Into Sadhana (1 To 8)
Silverbright Mornings
The Truth That Liberates
Twenty Important Spiritual Instructions
The True Authentic Religion We Need Today
Thou Art That
The Gita Vision
The Path Beyond Sorrow
The Philosophy, Psychology And Practice Of Yoga
The Role Of Celibacy In The Spiritual Life
The Holy Stream
What Is Spiritual Life
What Is Yoga
With Folded Hands
World-guide Sivananda
Yoga Lectures