Blood Pressure: Its Cause and Cure
by Swami Sivananda
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Paperback: 94 pages
Book Dimensions: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.20 inches
Shipping Weight: 120 grams
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Table of Contents
About This Book (Back Cover) | |
Dedication | |
Publishers’ Note | (7) |
Der-Nier cri in Cure | (9) |
Mahamrityunjaya Mantra | (11) |
Health and Long Life | (13) |
Mental Health | (15) |
21 |
23 |
23 | |
The Heart at Work | 24 |
29 |
31 |
The Curse of Humanity | 32 |
Sphygmamonameter | 32 |
The Ausculatory Method | 33 |
Blood Pressure | 34 |
35 |
38 |
Cause of the Disease | 38 |
The Initial Stage of the Disease | 40 |
41 |
Useful Diet for the Patient | 42 |
The Herbs ‘Serpentine’ and Its Utility | 42 |
44 |
Symptoms | 45 |
Remedies | 45 |
47 |
General Hints | 47 |
Enjoy Life Moderately | 48 |
Longevity Possible | 52 |
54 |
Blood-Pressure: And Hose Pipe | 54 |
Hints on Modern Treatment | 58 |
61 |
69 |
Fear Victimises More Lives Than Disease | 70 |
The Farmer and the Snake | 71 |
74 |
Hypotension | 74 |
Blood Pressure: Definition, Causes and Treatment | 75 |
Treat yourself for Blood Pressure | 76 |
A Window on Blood Pressure | 77 |
80 |
Definition | 80 |
Classification of High Blood Pressure | 80 |
Aetiology of Essential Hypertension | 81 |
Symptoms | 81 |
83 |
What is Health | 83 |
Good Health | 83 |
Health and Happiness | 84 |
Health and Hygiene | 84 |
Vital Facts about Health | 85 |
Health and the elements | 86 |
Health and Diet | 87 |
A Message for the Medical Conference |
93 |
About This Book
Blood Pressure is fast becoming something in the nature of a universal malady. In the West especially high blood pressure with its comcomitants like apoplexy, paralysis, etc., is assuming menacing proportions and the medical profession seems to find itself helpless to cope up with this dire enemy of human health and welfare. But for the gravity of the threat to human life held out by High Blood Pressure and the almost invariable fatality ultimately resulting from it one may be inclined to remark in jest that blood pressure has come to occupy the position of the foremost “fashionable disease” of this century. Above a certain age the average man is almost certain to have blood pressure complication in some degree or other as a part and parcel of his declining health picture. Though knowing quite a lot about the actual ‘condition’ called blood pressure yet the doctors all over the world seem hard put to lay their finger upon the exact causative factors responsible for bringing about the specific “condition”. Nor have they been quite successful in finding suitable, rational, effective therapeutical agents to overcome radically this complaint.
This book will certainly provide very important and valuable knowledge on the subject, the possession of which is bound to be extremely useful both to the patient as also to the doctor, who needs the former’s intelligent cooperation all along, if his treatment is to be rewarded with any measure of success.
A valuable feature of this work is the psychological and spiritual hints we have included in it for the attainment of subtle, inner strength, sound and serene mind and a state of radiant vitality by the earnest seeker after health and well-being.
This book goes forth to do its mite in the cause of the all-round, i.e., the physical, mental, intellectual and ethical welfare of mankind.
Sri Dhanvantari Bhagavan
Medical Profession
Publishers’ Note
Blood Pressure is fast becoming something in the nature of a universal malady. In the West especially high blood pressure with its concomitants like apoplexy, paralysis, etc., it is assuming menacing proportions and the medical profession seems to find itself helpless to cope up with this dire enemy of human health and welfare. But for the gravity of the threat to human life held out by High Blood Pressure and the almost invariable fatality ultimately resulting from it one may be inclined to remark in jest that blood pressure has come to occupy the position of the foremost “fashionable disease” of the Twentieth Century. Above a certain age the average man is almost certain to have blood pressure complication in some degree or other as a part and parcel of his declining health picture. Though knowing quite a lot about the actual ‘condition’ called blood pressure yet the doctors all over the world seem hard put to lay their finger upon the exact causative factors responsible for bringing about the specific “condition”. Nor have they been quite successful in finding suitable, rational, effective therapeutical agents to overcome radically this complaint.
A study of this subject therefore, is bound to prove of great value to the layman as much as it would be to the professional man. For it has to be admitted that this complaint is one of those which have to be corrected and overcome more through the intelligent ways of living of the patient himself than through the mere medication by the doctor. The checking of acute manifestations of this distressing complaint may well be the task of the medical man but the work of keeping the disease under control and preventing its progress is entirely the onus of the educated patient. The doctor himself depends upon the willing and intelligent co-operation of his patient to deal with any measure of success with this essentially modern malady. To educate the patient in this connection forms not the least of the aims before this present volume. The object of this book is to put before the present day public all the findings of the medical men belonging to the different schools of medicine like the Allopathic, Ayurvedic, etc., etc., with regard to the subject of Blood Pressure and its Causes and Cure in as simple and non-technical manner as possible.
In the first five chapters valuable information of a general nature is given about the heart and its function and the phenomenon of blood pressure. Chapter VI to IX form an extremely important part of the book throwing much light upon the causes and treatment of this complaint. Subsequent chapters deal in sufficient detail upon the various aspects of blood pressure and provide a basic knowledge that is essential for the proper understanding of this grave complication of the system and the proper management of your life in your attempt to correct it and regain normal health. We have spared no pains in making this into a handy, concise, yet comprehensive, practical, commonsense guide in the management of blood pressure, to all patients declared to be affected by abnormal or sub-normal tension. This is by no mean meant to replace the expert advice and guidance of the intelligent and sympathetic doctors. But this book will certainly provide very important and valuable knowledge on the subject, the possession of which is bound to be extremely useful both to the patient as also to the doctor, who needs the former’s intelligent co-operation all along, if his treatment is to be rewarded with any measure of success.
A valuable feature of this work is the psychological and spiritual hints we have included in it for the attainment of subtle, inner strength, sound and serene mind and a state of radiant vitality by the earnest seeker after health and well-being.
In furthering the Divine Spiritual Mission of His Holiness Sri Swami Sivanandaji, we offer the present work as a flower at the feet of the Lord enshrined in humanity. This book goes forth to do its mite in the Cause of the all-round , i.e. the physical, mental, intellectual and ethical welfare of mankind.
10 October, 1956
(Sri Swami Sivananda)
Worry not, be cheerful.
Do not be excited, be calm.
Do not be anxious, be bold.
Talk a little.
Divert the mind and do not think much of disease.
Do Mrityunjaya Japa regularly.
Meditate “I am All-pervading, Immortal diseaseless Atma, Om Om Om”.
Take salt a little.
Take Serpentina, if necessary.
Take garlic juice half teaspoonful with honey.
Give up liquor and too much spices,
Give up smoking.
Do not consult Doctors very often.
Live on milk and fruit diet.
Take abundant rest, and your blood pressure will come to normal.
ॐ सविता पश्चातात्सविता पुरस्तात्
सविता नः सुवतु सर्वतातिं
सविता नो रासतां दीर्घमायुः॥
–ऋग्वेदः १०-३६-१४
The Creator is from behind, Creator is before,
Creator above and Creator below.
May the Creator give us sound health and comfort.
May the Creator bestow on us long life. –Rigveda: X 36. 14
॥ महामृत्युञ्जय मन्त्र॥
ॐ त्र्यंबकं यजामहे सुगन्धिं पुष्टिवर्धनम्।
उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान्मृत्योर्मुक्षीय मामृतात्॥
Om Trayambakam yajamahe
Sugandhim pushtivardhanam
Urvaarukamiva bandhanaan
Mrityormuksheeya maamritat
We worship the three-eyed One (Lord Siva) who is fragrant and who nourishes well all beings; may He liberate us from death for the sake of Immortality even as the cucumber is severed from its bondage (to the creeper).
1. This Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra is a life-giving Mantra. In these days, when life is very complex and accidents are an everyday affair, this Mantra wards off deaths by snake-bite, lightning, motor-accidents, fire-accidents, cycle-accidents, water-accidents, air-accidents and accidents of all descriptions. Besides, it has a great curative effect. Again, diseases pronounced incurable by doctors are cured by this Mantra, when chanted with sincerity, faith and devotion. It is a weapon against all diseases. It is a Mantra to conquer death.
2. It is also a Moksha Mantra. It is Lord Siva’s Mantra. It bestows long life (Deergha Ayush), peace (Shanti), wealth (Aishwarya), prosperity (Pushti), satisfaction (Tushti) and Immortality (Moksha).
3. On your birthday, repeat one lakh of this Mantra or at least 50,000; perform Havan and feed Sadhus, the poor and the sick. This will bestow on you long life, peace and prosperity.
4. Kindly consecrate one Mala or more daily to Sri Swami Sivanandaji!
Hari Om Tat Sat
(Sri Swami Sivananda)
Good health is very essential for man’s success in life and for yoga Sadhana. He who has done good deeds in his previous birth enjoys good health in this life. Good health is maintained by observing the laws of health and hygiene. He who is endowed with sufficient vital force enjoys good health. Vital force comes from the One Great Source of all life. Brahmacharya, prayer, meditation, Pranayama and Sattvic food augment the vital force and bestow good health, vim and vigour, also vitality.
Over-eating is the chief cause of most diseases. It hinders elimination, assimilation and growth. All the organs are over-worked and get diseased quickly. Hence avoid overeating and observe perfect moderation in diet.
Food serves as fuel for our body-engine and supplies animal heat and vital energy. Improper food causes accumulation of waste matter, which poisons the system. Refined sugar, milled and polished rice, white flour, fried articles, highly pungent and spiced dishes are improper, unsuitable foods. Too much salt causes irritation in the tissues. Salt excites the tongue and passion. When the kidneys do not function efficiently, salt increases the oedema or swelling in the tissue. Too much salt shortens life.
If you wish to attain longevity and good health, live on milk and fruits. Take the juice of tomatoes, oranges and pomegranates. Give up salt, tamarind, chillies, meat, fish, liquors, tobacco, coffee, and tea. Take a little salt. Give up breakfast or morning tiffin. Take one ordinary meal of milk and fruits, or fruits alone. Take raw carrots, spinach, salads, lemons, raisins, dates, nuts and almonds. All these are vital foods that contain a maximum of vitamins and nutritive elements in small bulk. You can get your full quota of vitamins and calories without overloading your stomach. Have health, joy and energy through eating light but, substantial and nourishing food.
But you must train your system to derive the maximum of strength and vitality even from the simplest of foods, like ‘rotti and dhal’. Too much fastidiousness about food becomes a fad. In reality the human system can adapt itself to the roughest natural conditions and so can be trained to become hardy.
He who practises Pranayama for half an hour everyday can vitalize all the cells and tissues and supply them with abundant energy.
If you infuse tea for a long time it becomes a poison. You get tannin-poisoning. Tannin produces constipation. Brahamacharins should not take tea or coffee.
Chew five or six Bael leaves daily. This will supply fresh vitamins to the system. It will cure diabetes mellitus also, ulcers in the tongue, mouth, etc. It will cure pyorrhoea and keep the mouth sweet, clean and hygienically sound. Avoid taking injections. Promote the elimination of waste matter by taking regular exercise, long walks and deep breathing. Take sunbaths daily.
These are unfailing means of keeping oneself energetic and free from disease. Ultimately, it is the Antaryamin, the Spiritual Fountain-Source in man, who is the supreme life-giver, energizer and nourisher. He will sustain you with divine manna. Get in tune with Him, and the Lord will bestow upon you good health, long life, peace and prosperity.
If you always have
A calm and poised mind,
You will enjoy wonderful mental health.
Mental health is more important
Than physical health.
All diseases take their origin
In the mind (Adhi Vyadhi).
Selfishness, greed, lust,
Anger, hatred, jealousy
Fear, worry, pride,
Destroy mental health.
They destroy bodily tissues also.
Any negative thought is destructive.
Entertain sublime divine thoughts.
Hold always positive thoughts.
Be courageous, be cheerful,
Be kind, be tolerant.
Fear not, worry not, regret not–
Pray, sing, meditate on the Lord.
Do Japa, Pranayama and Asanas.
Rajas excites the mind and nerves;
Tamas dulls them;
Sattwa purifies, elevates and strengthens them; Therefore, control Rajas and Tamas,
And increase Sattwa
Through Sattwic food, Sattwic thoughts,
Sattwic Tapas, charity, Pranayama and meditation.
You will have wonderful
Physical and mental health.
You can practise vigorous Sadhana and meditation.
And attain God-realisation here and now.
Chapter I
With the rapid progress of civilisation in this century and the rise in the standard of luxurious living, man has set himself in an incessant quest for more and more of luxuriant amenities, such that he has tried out every cell and nerve of his physical being and has, hence, become blood-pressure-conscious. Most of his kind, if not all, feel that they are suffering from blood pressure; and, it is not uncommon to hear nowadays blood pressure being discussed in all conversations, petty and serious.
Associated, as it is, with unpleasant possibilities, ‘blood pressure’ has caused even healthy persons to worry about imaginary blood pressures and to get into, thereby, the condition that they dreaded most. It is due to ignorance of the real facts concerning blood pressure that these persons achieve the unpalatable state they worry about.
Concerning this topic there are four preliminary and essential facts which every individual has to understand fully for himself in order to safeguard himself from unnecessarily and unwittingly (and unerringly, too) developing blood pressure and eventually (in all probabilities) worrying himself to death!
Firstly, blood pressure is essential to human life. Unless there exists a certain amount of pressure, the heart-pump cannot set the blood in circulation. In this connection it may be remarked that there is no figure which can be set as the normal blood pressure for all individuals. Suffice it to say, at this stage, that the normal blood pressure for an individual depends upon his trade or occupation and physical activities.
Secondly, there are many types of blood pressure. All of them are not dangerous to health. Blood pressure is never the same all through the twenty four hours of a day. It changes rapidly and it also quickly returns to its normal level. It all depends upon the particular work that an individual does at a given moment and on the need for a greater circulation of blood in a specific part of the body.
Thirdly, high blood pressure is sometimes a necessity. Even in the case of healthy persons, certain circumstances arise which require very high pressure; of course this high pressure will only be momentary and not lasting. Again, during each day certain passing emergencies call for transitory changes in pressure level. These things are common.
Lastly, but not in the least, it should be well-understood by every individual that blood pressure is only a symptom and not a disease by itself. Hence, it would only be a folly to treat blood pressure with drugs. Momentary relief can be had but in the long run it may upset the functioning of the heart. After a proper diagnosis, the cause should be treated.
With this short introduction, we can proceed with a fuller and all-comprehensive discussion upon the subject. And it means a detailed study of the heart at work and the circulation of blood through the arteries.
Chapter II
The human body is composed of seven great systems, namely, the skeletal, the muscular, the nervous, the respiratory, the circulatory, the digestive and the excretory. Though good breathing and sound digestion are essential for leading a long and healthy life, yet the circulatory system plays the important role since it has to carry the nourishment to different parts of the body. This system is maintained by the working of the heart.
The heart is the hardest working organ in the body. If man wishes, he can give rest to any of his organs but not to the heart. The heart functions continuously for twenty four hours a day and twelve months a year all through the life time of an individual. It beats about 104,000 times in every twenty four hours and pumps into the arteries, in the course of a day approximately sixty barrels of blood. In the language of the engineers, the daily output of the heart is roughly 22 foot-tons, or, in other words, the work done by the heart in a day is enough to lift a weight of one ton through a height of twenty two feet in twenty four hours! Taking it for granted that a man lives for 75 years, this self-lift would reach a height of more than 2,150,000 miles! But, this task the heart accomplishes silently and the individual is not aware of it. Except when it is comparatively at rest during the hours of sleep, etc., the heart is strained for nearly fifteen hours a day. The only work of the heart is to keep the blood ever in circulation.
The total quantity of blood in the human body is slightly less than ten pints; and in every minute the heart deals with about five pints of blood. Of course, the latter is a normal case. During heavy manual labour the heart actually deals with 15 gallons and more of blood every minute.