Adhyatma Yoga
by Swami Sivananda
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Book Code: ES29
Paperback: 190 pages
ISBN: 8170522064
Book Dimensions: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.40 inches
Shipping Weight: 230 grams
Table of Contents
About This Book (Back Cover) | |
Introduction | 6 |
Essence of Swamiji’s Teachings | 16 |
Chapter One–Nature of God |
19 to 26 |
1. Nature of God–I, 2. Nature of God–II, 3. God is infinite, 4. Where is God, 5. God, Fountain of Goodness, 6. God is your Guide, 7. God is Love, 8. God is Truth, 9. Truth–I, 10. Truth–II, 11. Truth is within you, 12. Heart and centre of the world, 13. Lord is Supreme Abode, 14. Substratum, 15. Brahman, 16. Brahman is all-in-all, 17. The One is true, 18. Eternal Light, 19. Nature of Self, 20. Atma, 21. Atman is the Essence, 22. Who directs the mind? | |
27 to 29 | |
1. My religion, 2. True religion, 3. Real religion, 4. Essentials of religion, 5. Know one God, 6. Practice of religion, 7. Fruit of practice of religion. | |
Chapter Three–Philosophy |
30 to 48 |
1. Lame man and a blind man, 2. Cause of this world, 3. Evolution–I, 4. Evolution–II, 5. Jiva becomes Brahman, 6. Jiva is Brahman, 7. Inner Illumination, 8. Oneness, 9. All are equal, 10. Why do you not weep? 11. Jnana or wisdom, 12. No Samadhi but Jnana, 13. Disease and remedy, 14. Ignorance is a dire disease, 15. Path to Self-realisation, 16. Tree of life, 17. Secret of renunciation, 18. Pain, 19. Cause of pain and sorrow, 20. Remove the veil of ignorance, 21. Attain illumination, 22. Through mind man suffers, 23. Pull down the dividing wall, 24. Seat of mind, 25. Waking versus dreaming, 26. The world is a long dream, 27. Dream, 28. Ideas and feelings differ, 29. Object and idea, 30. Jeeva Srishti and Ishwara Srishti, 31. Life–experience “I”, 32. See without eyes, 33. I am, 34. False and real ‘I’, 35. You are distinct from the senses, 36. You are witness or Atma, 37. Sakshi is always calm, 38. Brahman is the Witness, 39. The two drivers, 40. Brahman is unattached, 41. The soul is untainted, 42. Upadhi gives form, 43. Develop intuition, 44. Requisites for attaining Knowledge, 45. What is Sattwa? 46. Boomerang, 47. Force of Karma, 48. Karmas and Samskaras, 49. A Sage is not bound by Karmas, 50. A Deva, 51. Life in heaven, 52. Asuras in the body, 53. The three Saktis. | |
Chapter Four–Call to Sadhana |
49 to 68 |
1. You came alone, 2. Struggle on, 3. None is poor, 4. Individual life, a phantom, 5. God is with you, 6. Chinta consumes everything, 7. Pleasure is evanescent, 8. Optical illusion, 9. Seek Anandalaya, 10. Who is happy? 11. No one is happy in the world, 12. Emptiness of wealth, 13. Be quiet and know, 14. Count not the doors of Buckingham Palace, 15. The educated fool, 16. O Deluded fool, 17. Admonition, 18. Analysis of your daily activities, 19. A poor man and shawl, 20. Value of Brahma Jnana, 21. Who is Father? 22. Atma–Basis for everything, 23. How long? 24. Time and Timeless, 25. Precious is your life, 26. Awake, O Man, 27. Wake up, O Man, 28. Long only for God, 29. Meet thy friend now, 30. Look within, 31. Seek the Immortal, 32. Seek the Eternal–I, 33. Seek the Eternal–II, 34. Seek the Eternal–III, 35. Seek the Eternal–IV, 36. Seek the Changeless, 37. Know thyself, 38. Realise the Truth, 39. Come ye young ministers, 40. Come with four, 41. Immortal fruit, 42. Nectar within you, 43. Body is a moving temple, 44. Man into woman, 45. Woman into man, 46. Finite implies Infinite, 47. Tap the Source. | |
Chapter Five–Instructions on Sadhana |
69 to 90 |
1. Sadhana–I, 2. Sadhana–II, 3. Heart temple, 4. How to increase Sattwa? 5. Renounce, 6. Thy eternal heritage, 7. True and eternal bliss, 8. The ten precepts, 9. The ten rules of life, 10. Learn, 11. The triple secret, 12. The triple Gem, 13. Spiritual furnace and crucible, 14. Spiritual ploughing, 15. Spiritual war, 16. The inner war, 17. Dwell in the One, 18. Soar High, 19. Seva Yoga, 20. Ring out, ring in, 21. Forms of hatred, 22. Slay the evil, 23. Greed is Kali, 24. Slay the three K’s, 25. Three obstacles to spiritual progress, 26. Break and construct, 27. Fry the Vasanas, 28. Manorajya, 29. Draw me, 30. Bolt not the heart’s door, 31. Spiritualise, 32. My resolves today, 33. Way to blessedness, 34. Way of Yoga, 35. The Divine way of life, 36. Siva’s way of life, 37. This is the way, 38. The path to eternal bliss, 39. Path to God-realisation–I, 40. Path to God-realisation–II, 41. Be good, do good, 42. Towards God-realisation, 43. Sit and meditate, 44. Enquire who am I? 45. Enter the silence. 46. Enter into Samadhi, 47. Walk with God, 48. Joy-filling experience, 49. This is the highest blessing, 50. This is the greatest blessing, 51. Cultivate the Spirit, 52. Live in the Spirit, 53. Be hungry for God, 54. Forget thyself, 55. Contact the soul, 56. Be determined, 57. I will unlock the mysteries, 58. Uttishtha, 59. I am at thy side. |
Chapter Six–Formulas for Meditation |
91 to 92 |
1. I am life eternal, 2. Vedantic meditation, 3. I am the Source, 4. I am the All, 5. I am Existence. | |
Chapter Seven–To The Mind and Senses |
93 to 96 |
1. To the mind–I, 2. To the mind–II, 3. To the mind–III, 4. To the mind–IV, 5. To the mind–V, 6. To the mind–VI, 7. To the mind–VII, 8. Meditate and realise, 9. To the senses. |
Chapter Eight–The Path of Devotion (Bhakti) |
97 to 118 |
1. Prostrations to Brahman, 2. Para Brahman, 3. Prayer–I, 4. My prostrations to the 7 year old boy, 5. Come and live within my heart, 6. Save us, O Lord, 7. Save me O Lord–I, 8. Save me, O Lord–II, 9. Guide and save, 10. Lead me, O Lord, 11. O Lord, purify me, 12. Make me Thy instrument, 13. Prayer of an aspirant, 14. This is my prayer, O Lord, 15. Self-surrender, 16. A prayer, 17. Prayer–II, 18. Prayer–III, 19. Prayer–IV, 20. Common prayer, 21. General Prayer, 22. Sivananda’s Prayer, 23. Grant my prayer, O Lord, 24. Divine Glory, 25. Thou art the Prana, 26. No ‘I’ without Thee, 27. I am Thyself, 28. Nothing is mine, 29. There is only Thou, O God, 30. Thy drink is Bliss, 31. Glory of Lord’s Feet, 32. Lord Rama’s Eighth Brother, 33. O Spiritual Treasure, 34. In Thy mercy save, 35. Thou art beauty and ugliness, 36. O My King and solace, 37. Let me live in Thee, 38. Bring me into Thy light Eternal, 39. Sivananda at Thy door, 40. Where shall I go? 41. Eternal tree of shelter, 42. Do not test me severely, 43. When, my Lord? 44. The palace of my King, 45. To the Cuckoo, 46. Come Thou quick, 47. My eyes rain tears, 48. Union with the Lord, 49. My fragrant garden, 50. I have God’s Grace, 51. God’s Grace. 52. Lord Siva’s Ray, 53. Bhakti, 54. Sadhana and Bhakti, Sadhya, 55. Nava Vidha Bhakti, 56. God wants your heart, 57. Prem, Ram and Kam, 58. Avatara like the Sun, 59. Goddess Saraswati. | |
Chapter Nine–Power of Divine Name |
119 to 120 |
1. Power of Name, 2. Name is nectar, 3. Lord’s Name is life, 4. Power of Lord’s Name, 5. Power of Ram Nam, 6. Repeat the holy Name. | |
Chapter Ten–On Love |
121 to 123 |
l. Love is Divine–I, 2. Love is Divine–II, 3. God is Love, 4. Love is Force, 5. Love conquers, 6. Love is bliss, 7. Live in love, 8. Love to give and share. |
Chapter Eleven–Glory of Satguru |
124 to 127 |
1. Guru is the boat, 2. Guru, 3. Guru like mother, 4. Guru and Upanishads, 5. Blessed Guru’s Feet, 6. Guru’s Grace–I, 7. Guru’s Grace–II, 8. Personal Guru, 9. Spark and a raw aspirant. | |
Chapter Twelve–Sage’s Experience |
128 to 133 |
1. I live God-absorbed, 2. I am not afraid of anything, 3. I have slain death, 4. I have slain the cycle of rebirth, 5. I shall never return to this world, 6. I hail you all, 7. All is one, 8. Look and find me, 9. I am Siva, 10. Siva the Source, 11. I am a born Siddha, 12. Vedantic Hill. | |
Chapter Thirteen–Who is a Saint? |
134 to 137 |
1. Who is a saint–I, 2. Who is a saint–II, 3. Who is a saint–III, 4. Who is a saint–IV, 5. Who is a saint–V, 6. Who is a saint–VI, 7. Who is a saint–VII, 8. A saint, 9. Yogi’s family, 10. Saint’s family. | |
Chapter Fourteen–Siva’s Wisdom |
138 to 165 |
1. Four types of disciples, 2. Purity, truth are your real nature, 3. Atma is supra-intellect, 4. Knowledge alone can give Moksha, 5. Marriage, 6. Attain wisdom, 7. Mind like fish, 8. A wicked man, 9. Fixity of consciousness, 10. Clapping and shaking hands, a nuisance, 11. Prayer and worship, 12. Avidya Forest, 13. The family of egoism, 14. Lady’s toilet case, 15. Food for the mind, 16. Silence–I, 17. Silence–II, 18. One, 19. One big family, 20. Kill not creatures, 21. Ram or Raheem, 22. Bhakti’s two sons, 23. Husk paddy and not chaff, 24. Adhikari for Vedanta, 25. Seven difficult things, 26. Become a Dheera, 27. Pleasure versus Bliss, 28. Pleasure and Pain–I, 29. Pleasure and Pain–II, 30. Pain is blessing, 31. World is relative, 32. This world is a vast university, 33. Your real enemies, 34. How to develop Vairagya, 35. Positive overcomes negative–I, 36. Positive overcomes negative–II, 37. Virtue victorious, 38. Abhiman, 39. Way to Bliss, 40. Anger has its raison d’etre, 41. Vairagya, 42. Self-sacrificing tree, 43. Paropakara, 44. Bring peace and happiness, 45. Sow love and joy, 46. Elevate, serve and protect, 47. Axe and needle, 48. Be tolerant, 49. Equal vision, 50. Ajaghar and Bee, 51. Be pure, 52. Siva’s view of life, 53. My creed, 54. Pseudo Sannyasi, 55. Prayaschitta, 56. Corruption, 57. Atomic energy, 58. Vedas, Puranas and Kavyas, 59. The fruits of Swadhyaya, 60. Voice of the Himalayas–I, 61. Voice of the Himalayas–II, 62. Significance of Muruga’s Vel, etc., 63. Six heads of Lord Subramanya, 64. Rasa-Lila, 65. Seven Chakras and seven screens, 66. Nada is sound, 67. Influence of sound on mind, 68. No Mukti without knowledge of music, 69. I am music, 70. No Mukti without English education, 71. 2796 languages. | |
Chapter Fifteen–Definitions |
166 to 173 |
1. World, 2. What is life–I, 3. What is life–II, 4. Abundant life, 5. What is death? 6. Death and eternal life, 7. What is matter, 8. Real beauty, 9. Real culture, 10. Signs of culture, 11. Real civilization, 12. Civilisation, 13. Real Sannyasa, 14. Who is a gentleman–I, 15. Who is a gentleman–II, 16. Who is a Brahmin? 17. What is sin? 18. Silence, 19. Moksha, 20. Time, 21. Eye. | |
Chapter Sixteen–Woman |
174 to 177 |
1. Woman–I, 2. Woman–II, 3. Who is a woman? 4. Man and woman, 5. Women, 6. Woman versus Man. 7. Tele-woman. | |
Chapter Seventeen–Wisdom Through Humour |
178 to 183 |
1. God, 2. Think well before you act, 3. Learn any science perfectly, 4. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, 5. The unfailing remedy, 6. Monkey and man, 7. 840, 8. Double personality, 9. God an embodiment of intelligence, 10. Stomach–a Post Office letter-box, 12. Gall-Nux Vomica heart, 13. Smile and smile. | |
184 to 187 | |
1. Story of two disciples–I, 2. The story of two disciples–II, 3. Raja Janaka and Pundits, 4. Compare Ramayana and Bharatam, 5. A poor man and Kubera, 6. A king and the court pandit. | |
188 to 190 | |
1. How to attain health and long life, 2. How to attain longevity, 3. How to be young at 100? 4. Cause of diseases, 5. Mental health, 6. Don’ts in eating. |
About This Book
With great delight we place before the aspirant-world, the present work ‘Adhyatma Yoga’ by Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj, the world renowned sage, who needs no introduction. This book contains over four hundred highly illuminating, and inspiring poems on a variety of subjects connected with religion, philosophy, etc., and will serve as a happy companion to the author’s other poem-books published already, viz. ‘Wisdom Sparks’, ‘Waves of Bliss’, ‘Jnana Jyoti’, and ‘Wisdom in Humour’.
Coming as it does from the pen of a realised sage, this book is rich in sagely wisdom and wit, and should prove an invaluable asset to every seeker in his onward march to Godhead. We hope the aspirant world will take advantage of this precious boon, study it, assimilate the wisdom contained in it, and practising it in their everyday life, expedite their march to Perfection, Peace and glory.
The attainment of God-realisation is the goal of human life. Great seers, saints and sages have been from time immemorial voicing this truth and striving to spread the gospel of God-realisation in different ways, through books, speeches, heart-to-heart talks, etc. And exactly it is to remind man of his Goal, and to show him the path that leads to it that this book ‘Adhyatma Yoga’ is dedicated.
The first chapter of this book deals with the nature of God. The second chapter throws light on the concept of religion. Various subjects connected with philosophy are discussed in the next chapter. The fourth chapter raises the clarion call to Sadhana, pointing out to man the false, perishable nature of the world, and the glory and sublimity of a life in Spirit. The fifth chapter is rich in profuse instructions to aspirants on their path of Sadhana, and will be treasured by all earnest aspirants. Formulas for Vedantic meditation are given in the sixth chapter. The seventh chapter, containing a series of addresses made to the mind and senses will be found highly useful by all Sadhaks, as it throws much light on how to coax and cajole the riotous mind and senses. The path of devotion is dealt with in chapter VIII, and the glory of Divine Name is described in chapter IX. In this age of hatred and dissension, the message of love alone will be the saving factor, and a full chapter (viz. chapter X) is devoted to a discussion of ‘Love’ and its infinite potencies. Sadhana, to be successful, has to be done under the guidance of a Guru. The glory and need of Guru are dealt with in chapter XI. Chapter XII gives out the experiences of a Sage of Realisation,–the experiences which are the Sadhak’s ideal. A description of the characteristics of a saint is given in chapter XIII. Chapter XIV is a highly interesting treatise on a wide variety of subjects, and thinkers and intellectuals will immensely like the thoughts contained in this chapter. Definitions, from a spiritual angle, of different things and phenomena are given in chapter XV. A description of woman, the spiritual helpmate of man, is given in chapter XVI. Chapters XVII and XVIII respectively convey valuable lessons through humour and stories. The concluding chapter deals with the means of acquiring health and long life, so very essential for attaining God-realisation.
It is hoped that all aspirants will make the best use of this book, by studying it and putting the teachings into actual practice.
May Lord bless you all.
Essence of Swamiji’s Teachings
“Eat a little, drink a little, talk a little, sleep a little,
Mix a little, move a little, serve a little, rest a little,
Do Asan a little, Pranayama a little, Reflect a little,
Do Vichar a little.
Do Japa a little, do Kirtan a little, write Mantra a little,
Meditate a little,
Serve, love, give, purify, meditate, realise,
Be good, do good, be kind, be compassionate.
Be bold, be pure, be truthful,
Be patient, be tolerant, be obedient.
Be simple, be humble, be noble, be gentle,
Adapt, adjust, accommodate,
Bear insult, bear injury, highest Sadhana.
Enquire “WHO AM I”; know the Self and be free,
Be still, be quiet, know thy Self,
Find the Hearer, find the Seer, find the Knower,
You are not this body, not this mind:
Immortal Self you are.”
Chapter Two–Religion
1. My Religion
I have renounced all sects
I have removed all creeds and dogmas
My religion is the religion
Of Truth and Love.
My religion is the religion of heart.
My religion is the religion
Of Upanishads and Vedanta.
My religion is the religion of OM.
My religion is the religion
Of service, sacrifice and renunciation.
My religion is the religion
Of goodness, kindness and tolerance.
2. True Religion
Religion is not dogma.
Religion is not creed.
Creed is broken reed.
Religion is not Theology.
Religion is Life Eternal.
To live is to love.
Religion is a life of goodness and service.
Religion is a life of meditation.
Religion is life in God.
Religion is knowledge of God.
He who is loving, kind, pious and truthful,
He who is endowed with faith and devotion
Is truly religious.
3. Real Religion
Real religion is beyond speech and mind
Real religion is self-realisation
Real religion is God-consciousness
Real religion is Oneness, unity
Real religion is Life Eternal
Real religion is Upanishadic Consciousness
Real religion is non-dual realisation
Real religion is Aham Brahma Asmi Consciousness.
4. Essentials of Religion
Eternal peace can be had only in God.
Be virtuous.
Speak the Truth.
Have faith in Guru, scriptures and God.
Love all, serve all.
Observe Brahmacharya,
Slay egoism, mine-ness.
Kill all attachments and desires.
Control the senses and mind.
Purify the mind,
Be serene and self-restraint.
Concentrate, meditate and realise.
These are the essentials of religion.
5. Know One God
Abandon self-indulgence.
Be humble and compassionate.
Reject all sects.
Know one God.
Realise God.
Love God.
Live in God.
This is the essence of religion.
6. Practice of Religion
To lead the life divine is practice of religion.
To live in the Eternal is practice of religion.
To cultivate virtues is practice of religion.
To serve, love and sacrifice is practice of religion.
To discriminate is practice of religion.
To practise renunciation is practice of religion.
To become a Jivanmukta is practice of religion.
7. Fruit of Practice of Religion
Religion frees one from sorrow and pain.
Religion bestows everlasting peace.
Religion makes one perfect and free.
Religion makes one independent.
Religion makes one an Atma Samrat.
Religion gives knowledge of Brahman.
Religion unites the soul with Brahman.
Religion frees one from births and deaths.
Chapter Eighteen–Wisdom Through Stories
1. Story of Two Disciples–I
A Teacher said to his disciples,
“Here are two pigeons,
Take one each and kill it
In a place where nobody sees you.”
One took it to a forest
And killed it in a place where there was none to see him.
The other was wise enough
He saw the pigeon seeing him through its eyes
He returned back to the teacher with the pigeon.
He felt that Aham is always there
To witness the act.
He said to the teacher,
“I cannot find a place where anybody does not see me.
The silent witness is everywhere present.
I felt the law’s presence everywhere.
2. The story of Two Disciples–II
A teacher said to his disciples
“Here are two plantain fruits.
Take one each and eat it,
In a place where nobody sees you.”
One took it, closed the room
And ate it.
The other was wise enough
He felt the omnipresence of God
He returned to the teacher with the fruit.
3. Raja Janaka and Pundits
Some Pundits criticised Raja Janaka.
“Raja Janaka is a worldly man
How can he be a Jnani or a sage?”
Raja Janaka wanted to teach them a lesson
He called all Pundits
And gave them a very good feast
Many tasty preparations were served
All the Pundits were rejoicing.
They saw a sword hanging above their heads
The sword was tied by means of a hair.
They all trembled
They all mixed everything and ate hurriedly.
They came to the Durbar
Raja Janaka asked
“O Pundits, what all things you ate today?”
Were they all nice according to your taste?
The Pundits replied,
“Our minds were on hair only
We do not know anything
We did not relish anything”
Janaka said,
“O Pundits! Similar is the state of my mind
My mind is fixed on Brahman alone
I do not know anything of this world.”
The Pundits put down their heads in shame
They now realised the state of a Jivanmukta.
4. Compare Ramayana and Bharatam
A teacher asked the students
“Compare Ramayana and Bharatam”
One student said,
“There are 4 brothers in Ramayana,
There are 5 brothers in Bharatam”
Another said,
“Each brother had a wife in Ramayana,
The five Pandavas had one wife Draupadi.”
A third said,
“Book Ramayana has a black cover
Bharatam has a blue cover.”
A fourth said,
“Sri Rama lived in the forest for 12 years
The Pandavas lived in seclusion for 13 years.”
A fifth said,
“Ravana was destroyed through Sthree Ishana (desire for woman),
Duryodhana was destroyed through Land Ishana. (desire for land)”
The teacher praised the fifth student
And gave him a gold medal.
Annihilate the Ishanas three
And attain Bliss Eternal
This is the essential teaching of all scriptures.
5. A Poor Man and Kubera
A poor man went to a forest,
And met a Rishi.
The Rishi gave the poor man Kubera Mantra,
For attaining wealth.
The poor man repeated the Mantra.
Kubera appeared before the poor man,
And said “Ask me any boon”
The poor man said,
“Give me four seers of bran for my cow”
The poor man ought to have asked
“Give me Moksha, give me great wealth.”
Even so some devotees who meditate
Ask God to give petty things of the world.
O man! Ask God to give you devotion,
Wisdom, Light and Moksha.
Care not for trivial mundane things.
6. A King and the Court Pundit
A king said to his Court Pundit
“Bring a man who is blissful here and there also.
Bring another man who is miserable here and there also.
Bring a third man who is happy here and miserable there
Bring a fourth man who is miserable here and happy there.”
The Pundit was in a great dilemma,
His intelligent daughter helped him
“Take this sage before the king
He is happy here and there also.
Take this beggar before him
He is miserable here and miserable after his death also.
Take this wicked rich man before him
He is happy here but miserable in hell after his death.
Take this ascetic before him
Who has emaciated his body.
He is miserable here but happy there in heaven”
The Pundit gained strength now
He took the four people before the king
The king was quite satisfied now.
Chapter Nineteen–Health and Long Life
1. How to Attain Health and Long Life
Be pure
Be kind
Be truthful
Be dispassionate
Be contented
Cultivate cosmic love
Sing Lord’s Names
You will have wonderful health.
2. How to Attain Longevity?
Purity external and internal
Brahmacharya or celibacy
Timely and wholesome food
Prayer, Japa, meditation
Practice of Sirshasan, Sarvangasan
And Pranayama (Kumbhak)
Cheerfulness and freedom from worry
Are conducive for longevity.
3. How to Be Young at 100?
Mouth hygiene is important
Rinse the mouth after food with warm salt water
Never use tooth-brush and tooth-sticks
Use finger
Take daily cold bath in the morning
Bask in the sunshine
Run in the open air.
Take a brisk, morning and evening walk
Take a balanced diet
Do not overload the stomach
Take fruits and vegetables in abundance
Eat when you are hungry
Practice Asans and Pranayama.
Flush the kidneys with barley water.
Practice Brahmacharya
Abandon worry
Do Japa, Kirtan and meditation.
An old young man will become a young old man.
You will become a centenarian.
4. Cause of Diseases
Disease starts in the mind
It is Adhi
When it manifests in the body
It is Vyadhi
Selfishness, anger, hatred, jealousy
Are the real causes of diseases.
Destroy them to the root
Through Vichara, Japa, meditation and love
You will have wonderful health.
5. Mental Health
Mental health is more important
Than physical health.
All diseases take their origin
In the mind (Adhi Vyadhi).
Selfishness, greed, lust,
Anger, hatred, jealousy
Fear, worry, pride
Destroy mental health.
They destroy bodily tissues also.
Any negative thought is destructive.
Entertain sublime divine thoughts.
Hold always positive thoughts.
Be courageous, be cheerful
Be kind, be tolerant
Pray, sing, meditate on the Lord.
Do Japa, Pranayama and Asanas.
You will have wonderful
Physical and mental health.
You will have always
A calm and poised mind.
6. Don’ts in Eating
Eat not when you are not hungry.
Eat not when the mind is excited.
Eat not without mastication.
Work not when the stomach is loaded.
Eat not fried foods.
Eat not devitalising foods.
Eat not incompatible foods.
Eat not immoderately.