Siva–His Work For Spiritual Uplift


Sri Swami Narayanananda

This article is a chapter from the book “Sivananda–The Perfect Master”.

Dissemination of spiritual knowledge is the main object for which Siva has dedicated his life after becoming a Sannyasi. He started the work in his humble cottage on the banks of the Ganga. He wrote small tracts in the beginning. For want of means he could not publish them. Later on he started publishing small leaflets.

A friend of Siva once gave him Rs. 5/- for his milk. He published a leaflet–Brahmavidyaout of this money. A few hundred copies were printed and distributed free. Gradually his writings appeared in the popular monthlies and weeklies. He began to write books and they were all published one by one.

Siva has opened the eyes of many sincere aspirants through his “Spiritual Lessons.” It is beyond one’s power to find how many earnest souls have sipped the cup of joy through the “Spiritual Lessons.”

Then Siva published some small pamphlets “Formulae in Yoga”, “Yoga in Daily Life”, “Forty Golden Precepts” and many others in different places and distributed them free. Siva had a cyclostyling machine and he issued some leaflets with the help of a few admirers. He issued a series of tracts under the caption “Inspiring Forest Talks.”

Siva then gave impetus to some publishers in Meerut to start religious magazines. ‘Sudarsan’ and ‘Sankirtan’ were the two magazines started under his guidance. He contributed a good number of articles for them. The Kalyan (Hindi) and Kalpataru (English) published a series of his articles on “Mind–Its Mysteries and Control” and published them in two volumes. Siva then travelled in the U.P, Punjab and Bihar provinces on a propaganda tour for about 4 years. He presided over many Sankirtan conferences. He preached Sankirtan and Bhakti wherever he went. He awakened people by his electrifying speeches. They were full of power and many people started spiritual Sadhana in right earnest. Some who were awaiting the divine call renounced their worldly ties and embraced the Order of Sannyasa. He moved like a spiritual cyclone. He also visited the sacred pilgrim centres in the Himalayas and other important places. He visited Rameshwar and other important shrines of the South. Wherever he visited he spread the name of Hari like Gouranga. Even in moving trains he gave discourses on spiritual topics and did Sankirtan. He demonstrated Asanas and Pranayama on railway station platforms. He utilised every minute in giving out his spiritual ideas to the people. He astonished people by his sweet, melodious songs, stirring speeches and magnetic personality.

Gradually his fame spread throughout the country. He kept in touch with many Sadhaks through letters. Even people of the West began to take interest in the publications of Siva. Now Siva felt the necessity for an organised institution to carry out his mission and thus the ‘Divine Life Society’ came into existence. Gradually many Sadhaks gathered round him to help him in his work and do spiritual Sadhana. They also renounced the world and spent their time in the divine service day and night.

The popularity of the Society increased and the name of Siva spread throughout the country. Many pamphlets were printed out of the interest accrued on a capital invested by Siva out of his own savings. Gradually he received voluntary donations for his sacred work and the publications grew in number.

Siva then started the “Divine Life” monthly journal to propagate the teachings of the Rishis. The journal is serving the public for the last six years with spiritual food. The “Publication League” was started to publish his writings. Siva has recorded his inspiring songs and speeches in the gramophone which serves as direct Satsanga for Sadhaks at home. His elevating speeches give them solace in their daily life when they are overcome by miseries. He has a magic lantern and movie film for wide propaganda. Siva has exerted in various ways to spiritualise the country and the world at large.

Siva’s method of spiritual propaganda is unique and effective. His messages, pamphlets, letters, books, spiritual diary and special prayers have worked as invisible harbingers of peace and have counteracted the Rajasic forces prevailing everywhere. He has inspired the youth, the old, the women and children of all castes, creed and religion. Intense and fiery are his methods of dissemination of spiritual knowledge. Countless persons have received and are receiving spiritual help from him. They do intense spiritual Sadhana. Every school, every library, every village, every religious home and every association possesses a collection of his tracts and books. His teachings have entered every nook and corner of the country and spread all the world over. Influential men in Africa, Riga, Denmark and many other European countries have taken up his work and help Siva in his great mission.

Wonderful indeed is the power of this mighty man of the Himalayas! He wields a wonderful pen. Sitting quiet in a small cottage on the banks of the Ganga, he has done wonders. He accomplishes everything by his own persistent efforts. He has achieved, remaining in a humble cottage, what Swami Vivekananda and Swami Ramatirtha attained by their continental tours and thrilling orations and propaganda.

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