Yoga-Vedanta Forest Academy Press Celebrates Its 50th Anniversary (Golden Jubilee)


Worshipful Gurudev Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj had succinctly described the Y.V.F.A. Press as “a real necessity”, on the day of its inauguration on 20th September, 1951. “It is not a printing press; it is the heart of Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj. It does not work; it pulsates. It does not produce books; it pumps the life-blood of Divine Life, infusing life, light and joy into the very being of millions all over the world”—these were the words of Sri Swami Paramanandaji Maharaj during its First Anniversary celebrations one year later on 20th September, 1952.

It is indeed in this supreme spirit of Jnana Yajna that the Y.V.F.A. Press has been ceaselessly serving the spiritual fraternity the world over, for fifty years now, bringing about the much-needed spiritual awakening in modern mankind through the print media by producing the powerful spiritual publications of the Divine Life Society including the writings of Gurudev in a way that can be best described as effective silent dynamism. Most of the devotees of Sri Gurudev had come in contact with him and the Divine Life Society by responding to Sri Gurudev’s clarion call through his nectarine books.

It may be relevant to note here that worshipful Gurudev had in fact commenced his noble mission as early as the year 1925 itself. Sri Chand Narain Harkauli had given Sri Gurudev five rupees for purchasing milk for himself, and immediately the money was converted into the nectar of Brahma Vidya, the first pamphlet that Gurudev got printed. His first book, Practice of Yoga Vol. I, was published in 1929 by Messrs, Ganesh & Co., Madras. (From then on, till his Maha Samadhi in 1963, he has written over 300 books, his last work being Elixir Divine; many of them have been translated into several major languages of the world.) Later on his books were published by different publishers at Madras, Amritsar, Lahore, Kolkatta, Allahabad, Ambala, Bangalore and Rishikesh.

It was divine dispensation that in the year 1951 it occurred to some of the Ashramites that the time had come for the Ashram to have a press of its own. With the blessings of Sri Gurudev, the Mishra Press, Rishikesh, (one manually-powered treadle machine and a few cases of hand-composing types) was acquired and brought over to the Ashram where the treadle machine was installed on 20th September 1951 and the Yoga-Vedanta Forest Academy Press was started. After that many Automatic Machines for composing, printing and binding were added to the Press, and at present we have computers, offset printing machines, folding and binding machines, making it one of the most modern presses in the area.

Keeping in view the sanctity of the occasion, the Golden Jubilee of the Y.V.F.A. Press was celebrated in the Headquarters Ashram in a solemn and befitting manner on 20th September, 2001. The programme included Brahmamuhurta Puja at Viswanatha Mandir, Havan in the Yajnashala, worshipping of the machines, Paduka Puja of Sri Gurudev and the honouring of all the Sadhaks and workers of the Press. It was Gurudev’s Grace that the entire programme was a grand success. Special mention must be made of Sri Sevakram Goyalji of the erstwhile Mishra Press, Rishikesh, and the first Sevak of the Y.V.F.A. Press way back in 1951, who was invited and felicitated in the function.

Speaking on the momentous occasion, H.H. Sri Swami Nirliptanandaji Maharaj, Vice-President, elucidated the infinite superiority of Jnana-Yajna to any other kind of sacrifice. Applauding the services rendered by the Sadhaks and workers of the Press, both at present as well as in the past, Swamiji called for continued commitment from one and all in the spirit of Karma Yoga Sadhana. He specifically recounted the yeoman services of H.H. Sri Swami Dayanandaji Maharaj, who had dedicated his entire body, mind and soul to this supreme mission of Gurudev, and also those of veterans like Sri Narasimhuluji and Sri Veeraraghavuluji, who have been serving in the Press selflessly and indefatigably almost right from its inception.

The function ended with earnest prayers to the Almighty. Long live the Y.V.F.A. Press! Long live Sri Gurudev’s Mission!

—The Divine Life Society

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