The Passing Away of Pujya Sri Swami Devanandaji Maharaj

Journey of a Soul to the Great Beyond

(The Passing Away of Pujya Sri Swami Devanandaji Maharaj)

Sadgurudev Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj’s Chinna Swami is no more with usin this physical plane. The Sankirtan Samrat, the ever singing, our mostBeloved Pujya Sri Swami Devanandaji Maharaj has merged into the EternalSilence.

Swamiji Maharaj has been a guiding light and inspiration for many,especially in Andhra Pradesh and Orissa. No programme was complete therewithout Swamiji’s soulful kirtan. In a moment he used to take everyoneinto ecstasy by singing Lord’s name in his own unique way.

Some years back Swamiji Maharaj developed pain in the chest whileconducting some programme in Nandini Nagar, Madhyapradesh. It wasdiagnosed as heart attack. In spite of that Swamiji continued his Kirtanand extensive tour of Andhra, Orissa and other places. Though he was notfeeling well, he participated in the New Millennium Commencement meet inMumbai. After the programme he came to Hyderabad. Paramapujya Sri SwamiChidanandaji Maharaj was also in Hyderabad as he had to give SannyasaDiksha to a select few persons and to conduct A.P.D.L.S. ExecutiveCommittee meeting. On 6th January, after the Sannyasa Diksha was over,Pujya Swami Devanandaji Maharaj came and blessed the new Sannyasins andwent to his place of residing.

At 9pm he developed low blood pressure and was admitted in Gita nursinghome. He was supposed to be shifted to a super specialised hospital.This morning, on 7th January in the Gita nursing home he took hisbreakfast and was resting and talking to a few devotees in a relaxedmood. Suddenly he felt breathlessness and all the staff of the nursinghome tried their level best to revive him, but Swami Devanandaji Maharajleft for his heavenly abode at 10.20 am on 7th January 2000.

The holy body has been sent to his native place where devotees wants tobuild Samadhi Mandia. All day long continuous chanting of the Lord’sname, Gita chanting and Vishnu Shahasranama Parayana and MahamrityunjayaMantra Japa was going on in the Sivananda Ashram Padmaraonagar,Hyderabad. Sri Swami Jeevanmuktanandaji Maharaj and Sri SwamiRamaswarupanandaji Maharaj now at Hyderabad and Sri Swami HanmsanandajiMaharaj from Rishikesh will be present in the village Kotapenta inSrikakulam dist. of Andhra Pradesh

Let us all pray to the Lord Almighty and worshipful Sadgurudev Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj for Parama Shanti (Supreme Peace), Sadgati(deliverance) and supreme beatitude of the departed soul of Pujya SriSri Swami Devanandaji Maharaj.

Hari Om Tat Sat.

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