H. H. Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj’s Letter Regarding the Schedule of Swamiji’s Travel Plans which Appeared at this Web-site Recently
From: Swami Chidananda
President, The Divine Life Society,
P.O. Shivanandanagar
Rishikesh, U.P., India
I am obliged to put the following matter into the internet to correct a misconception that has been created in the minds of many persons due to an unauthorized informatiom put into the internet regarding a brief travel I am obliged to undertake to a select few places towards the end of this month July due to specific reasons. Wrong idea has been created in the minds of many that I am launching upon a sort of World Tour. This is absolutely incorrect. Due to this wrong impression numerous people have started telephoning Guruniwas, sending fax letters requesting me to come to their places and take 2 or 3 weeks of absolute rest. Among such people are Rajeshwari Mehta of Southfield, London, Mr. Charles Kangai and Helena of Bristol and Emma Schutt, mother of the Schutt family of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Emma promises to give me complete rest in her mountain cottage in the Laurentians.
The actual fact is my main destination is Montevideo in Uruguay. But for this, I would not be leaving India to visit outside. As the intention to visit Montevideo was taken up by me, I decided to route the journey through 5 places with specific reason for including them. I am briefly to visit Koln (Germany), Assisi and Mola De Bari (Italy), Maryland and Atlanta (USA) before reaching Montevideo. Lastly but not leastly, I have already a deadline date within which I must be back in India. As such I am not in a position to prolong my itinerary at the request of devotees for the practical reasons stated above. This direct personal information by me sets aside and cancels any previous information that might have been gathered by you from the internet.
Swami Chidananda
2nd July ’98